> Well, not sure ... in general, SMW and MW have rather similar ways of creating
> tables, and normally they just come out having the same settings (it does not
> matter if they use Swedish collation, as long as they use the same).
Collation does matter for string ordering operations (which are used
by MW, for sure). Using Swedish collation with Cyrillic texts surely
would lead to catastrophe, just ask any of Russian mysql developer.
Even with German language I really doubt that Umlauts and so on
have the same codes in different collations.

> I believe that the observed problems stem from having a database where 
> settings
> somehow changed between MW and SMW installation, so that SMW used other
> default collation settings than MW used when making its tables. I assume it
> should be possible to have a script that just changes the collation of all
> text-fields in all tables to whatever value some admin wants.
It may be possible even though probably requires re-indexing.

> Note that the UTF8-DB-encoding option (referring to the one offered during
> install now) is considered experimental for MediaWiki.
Hmm.. AFAIK only UTF8-binary is considered experimental, not
utf8_unicode_ci. And MW surely uses UTF8 throughly it's core - it
doesn't even work without PHP mb_string extension.. How would the
mysql server suppose to store Cyrillic or Chinesse characters
in a table with a database charset that doesn't even have such
character codes defined! And with UTF8 posts you may enter these
characters any time, even if your wiki let's say English, Swedish or

> And choosing it
> currently is a sure way to get these problems in any case. So to all you
> users who read this message later: unless you are comfortable with compiling
> your own DB servers as well, please be careful with such settings ;-) The
> default settings should normally work.
I really wasn't comfortable with comiliing mysql myself, but after
some tough time with MW I've found it's the best way to do. But of
course be warned - configure has lots of options, some should be used,
some disabled, compile time is long, and even make install is not
enough - you have to run few scripts - to setup mysql "master" tables,
to setup init.d and so on...


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