On Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2007, cnit wrote:
> > (2) Query answering is done without any caching, and this is clearly a
> > problem. While inline queries are computed only once and stored in the
> > parser cache afterwards, Special:Ask has no caching facility at all. This
> > needs to change in the future. Targetted cache invalidation might still
> > be difficult and it is not clear whether the effort is needed (one could
> > enable manual cache clearing like for pages). A new query cache --
> > design, architecture and implementation -- is needed here.
> Too much of caching can hurt dynamic content - it's nice to have the
> page with query being updated at least once per hour or two.

Well, that is not the case for the current parser cache, neither in MW nor in 
SMW. But if course it could be achieved with some server-side cronjobs.

> Speaking of Special:Ask I believe it should be limited to registered
> users only. It might slow down the operation 

Which is due to the lack of caching ...

> and also is suggestive 
> for hackers trying to build an exploiting query.

My strong hope is that none such query is possible. If security issues with 
queries should exist, I would like to find them rather sooner than later. 

I expected that it would be possible to limit Special page access based on 
some MW mechanism already. Is there no way of configuring MediaWiki this way?


Markus Krötzsch
Institut AIFB, Universät Karlsruhe (TH), 76128 Karlsruhe
phone +49 (0)721 608 7362        fax +49 (0)721 608 5998
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