On Freitag, 12. Februar 2010, Robert Murphy wrote:
> Coders,
> I am not a coder.  I'm not even any good at server maintenance.  But SMW is
> taking my site down several times a day now.  My wiki is either the
>  biggest, or nearly the biggest SMW wiki (according to
> http://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Sites_using_Semantic_MediaWiki) with
> 250,000 pages.  My site runs out of memory and chokes all the time.  I
> looked in /var/log/messages and it is full of things like
> httpd: PHP Fatal error:  Out of memory (allocated 10747904) (tried to
> allocate 4864 bytes) in
> /home/reformedword/public_html/includes/AutoLoader.php on line 582
> but the php file in question is different every time.  I'm getting one of
> these kind of errors every half hour or more.
> Before you say, "Up your PHP memory", know that I did!  I went up from 64MB
> to 128MB to 256MB.  Same story.  So I switched to babysitting "top -cd2".
> When I change a page without semantic data, HTTPD and MYSQLD requests come,
> linger and go.  But when I change a page with Semantic::Values, the HTTPD
> and MYSQLD processes take a VERY long time to die, sometimes never.
> Eventually the site runs out of memory.
> Like I said, php.ini has 128MB memory and 60 second timeout for mysql.
> apache has a 60 second timeout too.  Any help?

Great, finally someone has a performance-related request (I sometimes feel 
that I am the only one who is concerned about performance).

Regarding PHP, I don't think that a memory limit of more than 50MB or 
maximally 100MB can be recommended to any public site. What ever dies beyond 
this point cannot be saved. On the other hand, PHP Out of Memory issues are 
hard to track since there cause is often not the function that adds the final 
byte that uses up all memory. You have seen this in your logs.

One general thing that should be done on larger sites (actually on all sites!) 
is bytecode caching, see [1]. This significantly reduces the impact that large 
PHP files as such have on your memory requirements.

Out of mem issues usually result in blank pages that can only be edited by 
changing the URL manually to use the edit action. Finding these pages is 
crucial to track down the problem. In the context of SMW, I have seen memory 
issues when inline queries return a long list of results each of which 
contains a lot of values. This problem is worse when using templates for 
formatting, but it occurs also with tables. I have tracked down this problem 
to MediaWiki in my tests: manually writing a page with the contents produced 
by the large inline query has also used up all memory, even without SMW being 
involved. If this is the case on your wiki, then my only advise is to change 
the SMW settings to restrict the size of query outputs so that pages cannot 
become so large. If this is not the problem you have, then it is important to 
find out which pages cause the issues in your wiki. Note that problems that 
are caused by MediaWiki jobs could also appear for random pages since they are 
not depending on the page contents.

Regarding MySQL, you should activate and check the slow query logging of 
MySQL. It will create log files that show you which queries took particularly 
long. This can often be used to track down problematic queries and to do 
something to prevent them.

If you experience general site overload in a burst-like fashion then it might 
be that some over-zealous crawler is visiting your site, possibly triggering 
complicated activities. Check your Apache logs to see if you have high loads 
for certain robots or suspicious user agents, especially on special pages like 
Ask. Update your robots.txt to disallow crawlers to browse all results of an 
inline query (crawlers have been observed to do this).

-- Markus

[1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Robchurch/Performance_tuning

Markus Krötzsch  <mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org>
* Personal page: http://korrekt.org
* Semantic MediaWiki: http://semantic-mediawiki.org
* Semantic Web textbook: http://semantic-web-book.org

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