
I've added support for this comparator. You can try it out by checking out
the code from svn trunk.


Jeroen De Dauw
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On 19 May 2010 22:12, Beecher Greenman <greenma...@mail.nih.gov> wrote:

> I'd also be interested in a feature like this, and from looking at the
> code, the part about the main additions being in those two files seems
> sound. Has there been any movement forward on this idea, or are there
> other issues that this feature would need to address?
> On 09/01/2009 05:32 AM, Robert Michel wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > SMW queries currently support NOT '!' and LIKE '~' operators when
> > querying the values of semantic properties.
> > Are there current plans to add a NOT LIKE (e.g. '!~') operator? This
> > would significantly enhance the query capabilities, especialy when using
> > SMW more like a CMS or for storing standardised data sets.
> > Since (from my limited understanding of the SMW code) the current
> > operators get translated into their corresponding SQL statements inside
> > a WHERE clause (not gets '!=', like gets ' LIKE '), it seems that adding
> > another operator which is getting translated into ' NOT LIKE ' would be
> > not that a large change.
> > It think that the main additions would have to be done in the following
> > files: (besides some other)
> > includes/SMW_QueryProcessor.php
> > includes/storage/SMW_SQLStore2_Queries.php
> > Or are there any other problems related to that I'm not aware of?
> > Thanks!!

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