
Since this discussion is about performance and changes to the SMW storage
layer, I'd like to bring up an issue I've been having as Semantic Maps dev.

To efficiently do spatial operations on geographical data stored by SMW,
support for spatial extensions in MySQL and PostGis in PostGres is needed.
Currently there is no way to make use of these database extensions, as the
SMW storage layer does not allow for:
* specifying what type of index to place on a field (it only allows
specifying a field should be indexed)
* putting SQL functions in insert and select statements (which is needed to
insert or select geographical entities)

I'm not sure to what extend supporting this is possible, but it would make a
huge difference for working with geographical data in SMW. So I'd be nice if
this was kept into consideration when modifications to the storage layer are

In any case, the current distance query in Semantic Maps already performs
way better then the one in older versions of SMW (which was really really
... really bad). More incentive for Wikia to update :)


Jeroen De Dauw
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