Dear all,

I'm happy to announce that KDZ is funding the development of enhancing Semantic 
Forms [1] to work with the Extension WikiEditor [2] as editor in text fields.

Stephan Gambke has agreed to take over the task. So if anybody has plans, 
ideas, etc. in this direction please let us know.



----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
> Dear all,
> I am planning to put up funding for a functionality that has been
> missing for a long time: I'd like to be able to use the standard MW
> editor for Text fields in Semantic Forms.
> I know there are some other WYSIWYG editors that are supposed to
> work, but I'd rather have something very simple and something that
> regular wiki users are used to.
> So I'd like to be able in forms (at least for the property of type
> "Text") to have an option in the formdefinition like
> |editor=standard
> And it should work together with Header Tabs.
> I'd like to know who would be willing to develop this feature and how
> much he/she would charge. I would need somebody to write me a bill
> for the job.
> To the users, I'd like to ask if there would be someone else that can
> put up co-funding for this.
> regards,
> Bernhard
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