On 22/03/12 01:28, Jeroen De Dauw wrote:
> Hey,

> * Migrate SMW to the new WMF git repo. We could also migrate somewhere
> else (ie GitHub) or even stick with SVN (and reclaim our SourceForge
> repo? :D). I'd go with the first option though, since this has benefits
> of visibility and consistency with other extensions.

Yes, we surely want to be in the WMF repository.

> * Request migration now, rather then wait until it just happens at one
> day and we find out when we try to svn commit something.
> I have already requested migration for my own extensions and those that
> I maintain, including Semantic Result Formats and Semantic Maps.

I agree that we should do the same for SMW. Maybe we could move the 
remaining semantic extensions as well at the same time.


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