My two technical questions remained open, and I have a third one:

(1) Would it even be possible to deploy many MW extensions that are in 
different top-level directories in one git repo without pulling 
subdirectories from the repo individually? If not, then the deployment 
of git-code on sites would be essentially the same as before.

(2) Won't there be inconveniences with automated testing if some 
extensions are not compatible with SMW changes (yet)?

(3) Who will be able to approve (or even self-approve) code in gerrit? 
Could I commit to every extension without review then? Can others do the 
same for SMW?

I agree with all the development advantages, esp. making it easier for 
people to contribute across extensions. It would also help with sharing 
work during code review.

I am not convinced about the compatibility thing as being a real 
advantage. If we want to make releases at the same time (as one big 
snapshot of the repo), then we will have to wait with releasing SMW 
until other extensions have caught up. This would lead to delays, and 
extra work for the person who does the release. We would also need some 
process to check if an extension is still compatible to know if it needs 
to be tagged as unstable/unmaintained etc. Extension developers would 
not be happy if we flag their code as unmaintained in a new release just 
because they did not react to an email for a week or so. Somebody would 
need to be responsible for this. Having improved compatibility would be 
great, but I think this needs more than just copying files to one git 
repo. This does not speak against Jeroen's suggestion, it just means 
that we will not automatically get all the advantages right away by 
simply copying files into a joint repo.


On 18/07/12 21:27, Jeroen De Dauw wrote:
> Hey,
>  > But if essentially any SMW-based extension can get added, then I
> don't see what the big benefit is.
>  > ...
>  > have symbolic links to the right version/tag/branch of each extension
>  > ...
>  > But perhaps I'm missing something in this whole thing.
> I think so - if you go back to my initial list of advantaged you'll see
> that they are not all obtained with the Semantic Bundle approach (or
> having links to git tags, which is essentially the same).
>  > at the very least, it would take a lot of time and coordination
> Yes, it forces the maintainers of the extensions to manage their code
> properly or have it end up being disabled by default (if it was not
> already) and tagged as unstable/unmaintained/foobar. Having things work
> will not be more difficult then it's now, people will just be more
> incentivezed to have their code working with the latest SMW release. If
> you consider that everything is released together, it's actually easier
> for maintainers to have their stuff working property due to much simpler
> compatibility requirements.
>  > And even if you accomplish that, there are still other extensions,
> like Validator
>  > and Maps, that would require coordinating outside of the SMW repository.
> I shall repeat: this is our current situation. Yes, we'll still need
> this coordination. I fail to see how the proposed change has any
> negative impact on this. The only (little) impact I can see it have is
> this coordination being simpler since you'll only need to check
> compatibility between these extensions and (extended) SMW rather then
> against all individual components.
> Cheers
> --
> Jeroen De Dauw
> Don't panic. Don't be evil.
> --
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