On 17/01/14 15:09, Yaron Koren wrote:
> Hi,
> Markus - are you suggesting retroactively referring to, say, version
> 1.5.1 as version 5.1 - with a corresponding change to all the
> documentation, etc.? Or just jumping straight from version 1.9 to
> version 10.0? I'm assuming the latter, but in either case that seems
> like a bad idea, that will in fact cause confusion, without any obvious
> benefit.
> Yes, Java did it, but, as Wikipedia notes [1], that was strictly for
> marketing purposes, presumably because "Java 6" looks a lot nicer on a
> book cover than "Java 1.6". Behind the scenes, Java developers still
> refer to it as 1.6, etc. When the first "SMW Unleashed" book comes out,
> then maybe it makes sense to start talking about making the number look
> nicer. :)
> I think it's overly dramatic to say that SMW versioning will never move
> past 1.x. There are a few previous versions that could have merited a
> jump to 2.0, in my opinion - the most recent two, 1.8 and 1.9, being
> obvious candidates. Perhaps it was a mistake to not make the major
> number jump with either of them. (And by the way, maybe it's not too
> late to rename 1.9 to 2.0? It's only been out for two weeks now...) But
> trying to pretend that those *were* major version number changes seems
> like it would cause more problems than it's worth.

I was suggesting to use 10 as the next version, but to keep all old 
releases (including 1.9) named as before; otherwise we would really 
cause confusion (e.g. there are archived emails about those versions 
that we cannot edit). However, the suggestion not to jump but to simply 
leave away the initial "1." in the future. My reason was that the number 
"9" seems to be our current major version, rather than a minor version 
of major version "1". And if it is good enough for Java marketing, I 
don't see a problem using it for SMW ;-)

Anyway, I won't fight for either option :-) Version 2.0 also sounds nice 
in a way.



> Jeroen - the numbering decisions of the developers of core MediaWiki
> seem irrelevant to this discussion, I would think.
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_version_history
> -Yaron
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Jeroen De Dauw <jeroended...@gmail.com
> <mailto:jeroended...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hey,
>      > Markus:
>      > the next version should be 10.0.0
>     Good point. +1 to this.
>      > Alexander:
>      > It is also important to tag all extensions. This is very often
>     not the case yet...
>     At least for SMW you can be sure all future releases will be tagged,
>     since Composer essentially requires one to tag in order to create a
>     release. The same is also true for SRF and Maps, and I hope more
>     extensions will follow.
>      > Yaron:
>      > I can't imagine anyone would object to increasing the version
>     number to 2.0, 3.0 etc. if/when it makes sense to do that.
>     A discussion about the same question occurred quite some time back
>     on wikitech. As you can probably guess, the outcome was rather
>     different.
>     Cheers
>     --
>     Jeroen De Dauw
>     http://www.bn2vs.com
>     Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
>     --
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