
There are three extensions of mine that take a similar approach, where they
provide a generic framework and other extensions add their own specific
functionality in via hooks: Admin Links, Page Schemas and Site Settings.
Semantic MediaWiki already hooks into the first two: Admin Links via a
function, and Page Schemas with a class. [1] Site Settings [2] is the
newest of these three, and SMW doesn't connect to it yet, but I would like
to add code in to SMW to do that, most likely via another class, that would
be called "SMWSiteSettings".

The code that interfaces with Page Schemas caused some controversy before
on this mailing list (though the Admin Links code never did), so I thought
I'd ask about it here before trying to send in a patch. I'm not planning on
adding any testing code for this new code, just like there isn't for the
Admin Links and Page Schemas code in SMW; but my philosophy, as I explained
before when we talked about Page Schemas, is that, even in the worst case
where the code crashes completely, it will not affect any of the other SMW
functionality, so it can safely be ignored by SMW developers.

I certainly hope to be able to add such a patch in, but I look forward to
any questions or comments.

[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Site_Settings


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