Hi Yury,

How the current value is specifically set depends on which input it is...
but the inputs themselves don't know anything other than the parameters
that they're called with (which should be enough, of course).


On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Yury Katkov <katkov.ju...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> This part I know. But I meant the javascript side - how the current value
> is loaded there? Is there a method that allows me to retrieve the current
> template field value whil I'm in js?
> -----
> Yury Katkov
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 5:49 PM, Yaron Koren <ya...@wikiworks.com> wrote:
>> Hi Yury,
>> Well, each form input's own file (contained in /includes/forminputs)
>> contains a getHTML() method, which in turn has a $cur_value parameter that
>> holds the current value. All those getHTML() methods are called from
>> SFFormPrinter::formHTML(), a monstrously large method that's really the
>> heart of Semantic Forms. Look for the variables $cur_value and
>> $cur_value_in_template in that function.
>> -Yaron
>> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Yury Katkov <katkov.ju...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> > Yes, that kind of autocomplatetion might require some kind of custom
>>> Javascript solutio
>>> I'm trying to develop exactly that. For now I'm able to load the list of
>>> <option > tags for all my dropdown, but I can't figure out, how to
>>> initialize my dropdown with the current value. Yaron, what function
>>> populates forms inputs with the current values (taken from templates)?
>>> -----
>>> Yury Katkov
>>> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 12:44 AM, Yaron Koren <ya...@wikiworks.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Yury,
>>>> Oh... that's a lot of files! Yes, that kind of autocomplatetion might
>>>> require some kind of custom Javascript solution. Although, if the goal is
>>>> to have a wiki page for each of those files, another option is to just
>>>> create a page for each file automatically, with the first 2-4 of those
>>>> template fields already filled in. You could do that with the Data Transfer
>>>> extension, or a custom script; the latter might be better, given the
>>>> massive size of the data.
>>>> -Yaron
>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Yury Katkov <katkov.ju...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Yaron!
>>>>> > (First, it doesn't matter that much, but this question should
>>>>> probably have been sent to the SMW users list.)
>>>>> Sorry... I thought it requires the creation of form input or patching
>>>>> the SF, so I asked it here.
>>>>> Thanks for the way, but it will not work for me because:
>>>>> 1) we will probably have 50-100 servers
>>>>> 2) each of the servers will have lot's of files: sometimes several
>>>>> terabytes of 10M images. That's a lot.
>>>>> 3) I've used the example for the file server and it's my current need/
>>>>> However I'm very interested in a generic API calls from withing the
>>>>> semantic form when we put some data in the form and sending the ajax call
>>>>> to an api with our current field values as the parameters.
>>>>> for now I will try to solve this with javascript extension that
>>>>> listens the blur() action and the REST-API that is responsible for
>>>>> delivering the information
>>>>> -----
>>>>> Yury Katkov
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Yaron Koren <ya...@wikiworks.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Yury,
>>>>>> (First, it doesn't matter that much, but this question should
>>>>>> probably have been sent to the SMW users list.)
>>>>>> You didn't explicitly say it, but I'm guessing that (a) the set of
>>>>>> file names to be autocompleted on is all the files contained in that file
>>>>>> server, and (b) this information is not stored anywhere in the wiki.
>>>>>> Assuming that, I think there's a way to do this, but it takes some
>>>>>> work, and it's a hack. First, you'd need to write some web-based script,
>>>>>> outside of the wiki, that, when you go to the URL for that script, 
>>>>>> outputs
>>>>>> a table with two columns: a server name and a file name; containing the
>>>>>> entire list of all the relevant files and of course the server for each. 
>>>>>> It
>>>>>> can be done as CSV, XML or JSON, though I would think the easiest way to 
>>>>>> do
>>>>>> it would be as CSV.
>>>>>> Then you should install the External Data extension, if you don't
>>>>>> have it already, and, in one page in the wiki (it can be any page), have 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> call to #get_web_data and then #store_external_table, so that all of that
>>>>>> data gets stored as subobjects. It's important that the
>>>>>> #store_external_table call uses the same semantic properties that are 
>>>>>> used
>>>>>> in the template. So if your template has properties like "Has server" and
>>>>>> "Has filename", the #store_external_table call should look something 
>>>>>> like:
>>>>>> {{#store_external_table:Server-file pair |Has server={{{server}}}
>>>>>> |Has filename={{{file}}} }}
>>>>>> (The property name in the first argument doesn't matter.)
>>>>>> Now, within the form, you just need to use "values dependent on"
>>>>>> within the "Filename" field. Let's say that the template is called "File
>>>>>> information", and the first two template fields are "Server" and
>>>>>> "Filename". The "Filename" field tag in the form might look like:
>>>>>> {{{field|Filename|input type=text with autocomplete|values dependent
>>>>>> on=File information[Server]}}}
>>>>>> ...and hopefully that will work. Who knows, stranger things have
>>>>>> happened. :)
>>>>>> What makes this more of a hack is that the wiki page with the
>>>>>> #store_external_table call will need to have its data regularly refreshed
>>>>>> in order to capture any changes to the set of files. That can be done by
>>>>>> resaving the page, or calling an SMW data refresh in some way.
>>>>>> -Yaron
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:45 AM, Yury Katkov <katkov.ju...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Yaron, everyone!
>>>>>>> Very often I need to perform some actions while being inside the
>>>>>>> form. For example right now I have this form:
>>>>>>> http://i.imgur.com/cYNHSFN.png
>>>>>>> I need the following behavior:
>>>>>>> 1) User picks the file server from the dropdown
>>>>>>> 2) The form sends the js-query to the server and retrieves the
>>>>>>> filenames.
>>>>>>> 3) the Filename field got populated with autocompletion values -
>>>>>>> possible filenames.
>>>>>>> How do you think is possible to achieve such behavior?
>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>> Yury Katkov
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