
   I would like to create a tag extension to allow for a controlled sharing of properties among wikis in a wiki family (a single codebase with multiple databases [1]). The idea is to build a special page to list all the wikis in the site along with their properties and their registered users; when an administrator A in the wiki W1 grants the view of the property P11 in her wiki to another user U2 belonging to the wiki W2, the tag extension (for example <sharedProperties>) in W2 will list all the properties that the user U2 can view. Another idea would be to extend the ask queries in order to address the (authorized) properties or categories using a sort of interwiki, for example {{#ask: [[Category:w1:C1]] | ?w1:P11 }}, however it won't be dynamic even if an interesting feature.    To read the shared and authorized properties in SMW I would use the SemanticQueryInterface extension [2] and I see that it calls the function smwGetStore from GlobalFunctions.php; I am not able to follow the code further and understand where the connection to the store is selecting the specific database bound to the active wiki. Can you help me?
   Thank you.

            Marco Falda

[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Wiki_family
[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SemanticQueryInterface

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