On Apr 10, 12:23 pm, David Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A way to implement 'AND' and 'OR' conditional statements using hashes
>  {:a => 1}.or(:b => 3)
>  # => (a=1) OR (b=3)
>  {:a => 1, :b => 3}
>  # => (a=1) AND (b=3)
>  {:a => 1}.and(:b => 3)
>  # => {:a => 1, :b => 3}
>  # => (a=1) AND (b=3)
>  {:a => 1, :b => 3}.or{:a => 2}
>  # => ((a=1) AND (b=3)) OR (a=2)
> Notice, that associativity is equal for and and or statements because
> ruby would evaluate left-to-right:
>  {:a => 1}.or(:b => 3).and(:c => 4)
>  # => ((a=1) OR (b=3)) AND (c=4)
> You can change that by surrounding grouped conditions with
> parentheses:
>  {:a => 1}.and({:b => 2}.or(:b => 3).and(:c => 2))
>  # => (a=1) AND ((b=2 OR b=3) AND c=2)
> The 'and' method can check for clashes:
>  {:a => 2}.and(:a => 3)
>  # => ERROR: column a has two clashing conditions
>  {:a.gt => 2}.and(:a.gt => 3)
>  # => ERROR: column a has two clashing conditions
>  {:a.gt => 2}.and(:a.lt => 10)
>  # => (a > 2) AND (a < 10)
> This can be implemented using ConditionAndGroup and ConditionOrGroup:
>  Hash.and(Hash) => Hash # merged
>  Hash.and(anything_else) => ConditionAndGroup
>  Hash.or(anything) => ConditionOrGroup
>  ConditionAndGroup.and(anything) => ConditionAndGroup
>  ConditionOrGroup.and(anything) => ConditionAndGroup
>  ConditionAndGroup.or(anything) => ConditionOrGroup
>  ConditionOrGroup.or(anything) => ConditionOrGroup

I like this idea.  Please try to work on an implementation if you have
time.  If not, I'll try to do so at some point.


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