On Apr 24, 9:15 am, "Victor 'Zverok' Shepelev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sequel 1.4.0:
> class Client < Sequel::Model
> end
> Client.dataset.select_sql #=> "SELECT * FROM clients"
> Client.dataset.insert_sql #=> "INSERT INTO [:clients] DEFAULT VALUES"
> Client.dataset.delete_sql #=> "DELETE FROM [:clients]"
> Is it normal? (rhetoric question :)

I'd say not, but I don't get the same thing:

$ sequel sqlite:/
db_opts = {}
Your database is stored in DB...
irb(main):001:0> class Client < Sequel::Model; end
=> nil
irb(main):002:0>  Client.dataset.insert_sql
irb(main):003:0> Client.dataset.delete_sql
=> "DELETE FROM clients"
irb(main):004:0> Client.dataset.sql
=> "SELECT * FROM clients"

That's with both 1.4.0 and the latest code.

> But why it is not fixed in 2-weeks-old release???? I do some wrong things,
> or I should use trunk only, never release?

I can't say you are doing something wrong, but without a self-
contained example I can't say that you aren't.  For example, I don't
see what database adapter you are using.

> (I see, where error in Dataset code, and can fix them to continue my work,
> but I'm sooooo surprised!)

First, you should always try the latest master branch from github.  I
try to keep it stable enough for production use.

Second, if you do find a bug, please report it on the issue tracker
with a complete self-contained example and, if possible, a patch that
includes a spec showing the bug.  I'm good about applying patches from
the issue tracker.  A pull request on github works as well.

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