On May 16, 12:30 am, Xavier Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks like ARAI Shunichi found this bug as well. I was able to push
> my way through and continue working but I have hit another dataset
> problem.
> How can I use a polymorphic many_to_many relationship if Sequel::Model
> wants to use the join model's name as quantifier in the where
> statement? Both models are using STI.

I don't know if you can.  I haven't tested it, nor do I plan to.  I'd
be willing to accept a patch that fixes it (assuming it didn't
complicate things too much), but I have no plans to work on one
myself, ever.

> (ItemContainer is omitted but it's the parent table/class of Factor)
> class Factor < ItemContainer
>   dataset.set_model(:kind, Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = k.constantize
> rescue nil})
>   set_dataset Sequel::Model.db[:item_containers].where{:kind ==
> 'Factor'}
> end
> class Survey < Sequel::Model
>   dataset.set_model(:kind, Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = k.constantize})
>   set_dataset Sequel::Model.db[:surveys].where{:kind == 'Survey'}
>   many_to_many :item_containers
>   before_create do
>     created_at = Time.now
>     updated_at = Time.now
>   end
>   before_save do
>     updated_at = Time.now
>     self[:kind] = self.class.to_s
>   end
> end
> class EvenDistributionSurvey < Survey
>   dataset.set_model(:kind, Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = k.constantize})
>   set_dataset Sequel::Model.db[:surveys].where{:kind ==
> 'EvenDistributionSurvey'}
>   many_to_many :item_containers
> end
> >> f = Factor.create
> => #<Factor @values={:created_at=>Fri May 16 02:22:58 -0500
> 2008, :kind=>"Factor", :updated_at=>Fri May 16 01:32:33 -0500
> 2008, :title=>"", :id=>4}>>> eds = EvenDistributionSurvey.create
> => #<EvenDistributionSurvey @values={:created_at=>Fri May 16 02:23:11
> -0500 2008, :kind=>"EvenDistributionSurvey", :updated_at=>Fri May 16
> 01:32:33 -0500
> 2008, :items_per_factor=>nil, :title=>"", :code=>"", :id=>10}>>> f.add_survey 
> eds
> => #<EvenDistributionSurvey @values={:created_at=>Fri May 16 02:23:11
> -0500 2008, :kind=>"EvenDistributionSurvey", :updated_at=>Fri May 16
> 01:32:33 -0500
> 2008, :items_per_factor=>nil, :title=>"", :code=>"", :id=>10}>>> s = 
> Survey.create
> => #<Survey @values={:created_at=>Fri May 16 02:23:54 -0500
> 2008, :kind=>"Survey", :updated_at=>Fri May 16 01:32:33 -0500
> 2008, :items_per_factor=>nil, :title=>"", :code=>"", :id=>11}>>> f.add_survey 
> s
> => #<Survey @values={:created_at=>Fri May 16 02:23:54 -0500
> 2008, :kind=>"Survey", :updated_at=>Fri May 16 01:32:33 -0500
> 2008, :items_per_factor=>nil, :title=>"", :code=>"", :id=>11}>
> so the first error is that it's not casting the ItemContainer to a
> Factor.>> s.item_containers
> => [#<ItemContainer @values={:created_at=>Fri May 16 02:22:58 -0500
> 2008, :kind=>"Factor", :updated_at=>Fri May 16 01:32:33 -0500
> 2008, :title=>"", :id=>4}>]
> and then when accessing from the EvenDistributionSurvey instance I get
> a bad table look up>> eds.item_containers
> Mysql::Error: Table
> 'survey_development.even_distribution_surveys_item_containers' doesn't
> exist
> Any ideas on how I can whip this into shape?

Don't use STI?

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