On Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 2:07:28 AM UTC-3, Jeremy Evans wrote:
> On Monday, March 26, 2018 at 7:26:03 PM UTC-7, Juan M. Cuello wrote:
>> I´m using postgres with around 4000 schemas. Each request is handled by a 
>> forked unicorn process. Each process uses a connection pool of just 1 
>> connection (max_connections = 1). I use a pool of just 1 connection because 
>> i need to be sure the same connection will be used along the request (the 
>> first executed statement sets search_path to the schema that will be used 
>> for subsequent statements).
>> At certain moments, new schemas are created in the database. When this 
>> happens, unicorn processes seem to hang and are then killed by the master 
>> unicorn process due to taking too long to process the request (>30 secs, 
>> which is the configured timeout). At the same time, I see postgres proceses 
>> consume a lot of DB server CPU. As unicorn processes are killed, db 
>> connections are closed. Then, new unicorn processes are created and new db 
>> connections established, DB CPU returns to normal levels and requests are 
>> processed as usual.
>> I wonder if for some reason, due to the high amount of schemes, Sequel 
>> connection could be having troubles when new schemas are added to the 
>> database that cause the application being unable to keep using the only 
>> available db connection, causing the request to hang until it is eventually 
>> killed.
> It's hard to say what the problem actually is without a reproducible 
> example.  I'm not sure why adding a schema would cause excessive query 
> time, but the issue may be more related to PostgreSQL than Sequel.
I tried to reproduce the issue, using two different connections, one with 
Sequel and the other with ActiveRecord. Both produced the same results when 
a new schema was added to the DB, excessive query time. 

It is clear now that the issue is not related to Sequel.


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