Hello. I am going to store association created/updated dates.

class A
  # any association with join table
  many_to_many :bs, :join_table => :a_with_bs
class B
  many_to_many :as, :join_table => :a_with_bs
class AWithB
  plugin :timestamps

a.add_b b

It will just insert foreign keys
INSERT into a_with_bs (a_id, b_id) ...

I've found a method *def_many_to_many* in *model/associations.rb*. It uses:

def _join_table_dataset(opts)
  ds = model.db.from(opts.join_table_source)
  opts[:join_table_block] ? opts[:join_table_block].call(ds) : ds

It is not able to call *before_update* or *before_validation* of AWithB. Do 
you plan to support timestamps in join table model? Now we can use 
postgresql triggers instead. Thank you.

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