On Friday, April 27, 2018 at 7:55:32 AM UTC-7, Pd Dzaic wrote:
> I appologize for kind of information I gave to you. I have tried to 
> present an minimal working example, and figured out, that I missed a lot of 
> information.
> Let's try it again. :-) 
>         require 'sequel'
>         require 'pg'
>         require 'logger'
>         # ===============================================
>         # Constants
>         # ===============================================
>         DIR_SCRIPT          = __dir__
>         DIR_DATA            = File.join(DIR_SCRIPT, 'data')
>         DIR_DATABASE        = File.join(DIR_SCRIPT, 'db')
>         DIR_PARSING_RESULTS = File.join(DIR_SCRIPT, 'results')
>         DATABASE_TYPE = 'pg'
>         begin
>           puts "Database"
>           puts "--------"
>           case DATABASE_TYPE.downcase
>           when 'pg', 'postgres', 'postgresql'
>             SERVER   = 'localhost'
>             DATABASE = 'psa'
>             SCHEMA   = 'rmrst'
>             PORT     = 5432
>             USER     = 'test'
>             PWD      = '1234'
>             puts "  -> Connecting to Postgres-Database 'PSA' as user 
> #{USER}'"
>             db_logger       = Logger.new(File.join(DIR_DATABASE, 
> 'Postgres_PSA.log'))
>             db_logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
>             # Note 1: First connection
>             DB = Sequel.postgres(:host          => SERVER,
>                                  :port          => PORT,
>                                  :database      => DATABASE,
>                                  :search_path   => SCHEMA,
>                                  :user          => USER,
>                                  :password      => PWD,
>                                  :logger        => db_logger
>             )
>           else
>             db_file = File.join(DIR_DATABASE, 'RiskmanResults.sqlite')
>             puts "  -> Connecting to Sqlite3-Database: #{db_file}"
>             DB = Sequel.sqlite("#{db_file}")
>           end
>           models = DB[:models]   # Note 2: Is here perhaps a second 
> connection to the database?
>           puts models.count
>         end
>  And here is the log-File:
>         # Logfile created on 2018-04-27 16:42:52 +0200 by logger.rb/61378
>         I, [2018-04-27T16:42:52.533784 #11736]  INFO -- : (0.000666s) SET 
> standard_conforming_strings = ON
>         I, [2018-04-27T16:42:52.534979 #11736]  INFO -- : (0.000382s) SET 
> client_min_messages = 'WARNING'
>         I, [2018-04-27T16:42:52.535871 #11736]  INFO -- : (0.000387s) SET 
> search_path = "rmrst"
>         I, [2018-04-27T16:42:52.536717 #11736]  INFO -- : (0.000360s) SET 
> DateStyle = 'ISO'
>         I, [2018-04-27T16:42:52.540509 #11736]  INFO -- : (0.002814s) 
> SELECT CAST(current_setting('server_version_num') AS integer) AS v
>         E, [2018-04-27T16:42:52.546959 #11736] ERROR -- : 
> PG::UndefinedTable: FEHLER:  Relation »models« existiert nicht
>         LINE 1: SELECT count(*) AS "count" FROM "models" LIMIT 1
>                                                 ^: SELECT count(*) AS 
> "count" FROM "models" LIMIT 1
> My questions are:
> 1. How many connections to I have? I assumed, that there is only one 
> connection (see Note 1). As I can see in my database log, the search path 
> is set correctly.

You are correct, there is only one connection.

> 2. When I call DB[:models] (see Note 2), do I create a new connection or 
> is the first one still valid?  If yes, that I assume, that the settings to 
> the search_path are not valid anymore.

You don't need to create a new connection, Sequel keeps a pool of 

>From the error message you are receiving, it appears the models table does 
not exist in the rmrst schema.  Is that correct?  If so, you need to make 
sure that you include the schema that contains the models table in the 


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