Sequel 5.9.0 has been released!

= New Features

* An escaped_like extension has been added, for the creation of
  LIKE/ILIKE expressions with placeholders in patterns without
  access to a dataset.  This adds escaped_like and escaped_ilike
  methods to the same Sequel expression objects that support like
  and ilike.  These methods take two arguments, the first being
  the pattern, with ? placeholders, and the second being the
  placeholder value (which can be an array for multiple

    Sequel.extension :escaped_like
    DB[:table].where{string_column.escaped_like('?%', user_input)}
    # user_input is 'foo':
    #  SELECT * FROM table WHERE string_column LIKE 'foo%'
    # user_input is '%foo':
    #  SELECT * FROM table WHERE string_column LIKE '\%foo%'

* Generated columns on MySQL 5.7+ and MariaDB 5.2+ are now supported
  using the :generated_always_as option when creating the column.
  The :generated_type option can also be used to specify the type of
  generated column (virtual or stored).  Examples:

    DB.add_column :t, :c, Integer, generated_always_as: Sequel[:a]+'b'
    # ALTER TABLE `t` ADD COLUMN `c` varchar(255)

    DB.add_column :t, :c, Integer, generated_always_as: Sequel[:a]+'b',
      generated_type: :virtual
    # ALTER TABLE `t` ADD COLUMN `c` varchar(255)

    DB.add_column :t, :c, Integer, generated_always_as: Sequel[:a]+'b',
      generated_type: :stored
    # ALTER TABLE `t` ADD COLUMN `c` varchar(255)

* Sequel::Model.has_dataset? has been added for checking whether the
  model class has an associated dataset.  This will generally be true
  for most model classes, but will be false for abstract model
  classes (such as Sequel::Model itself).

* Sequel::VERSION_NUMBER has been added for easier future version
  comparisons.  The version number for 5.9.0 is 50090.

= Other Improvements

* When disconnecting connections in the threaded connection pools,
  the disconnection is performed without holding the connection
  pool mutex, since disconnection may block.

* The sharded threaded connection pool no longer deadlocks when
  disconnecting connections if the connection_validator or
  connection_expiration extension is used.

* If a thread dies and does not check a connection back into the
  connection pool, Sequel now disconnects the connection when it
  detects the dead thread, instead of assuming the connection is
  safe to be reused.

* When using eager_graph with cascaded associations, a unique
  object is now used instead of a shared object in cases where
  using a shared object may cause further cascaded associated
  objects to be duplicated.

* On PostgreSQL, the ESCAPE modifier to the LIKE/ILIKE operators is
  no longer used, since the default ESCAPE value is the one Sequel
  uses.  This change was made in order to allow the LIKE/ILIKE
  operators to work with the ANY function, as PostgreSQL does not
  support the use of the ESCAPE modifier in such cases.

* A hash argument passed to Model.nested_attributes in the
  nested_attributes plugin is now no longer modified.

* Internal data structures for eager and eager_graph datasets are now
  frozen to avoid unintentional modification.

* Nondeterministic behavior in Database#foreign_key_list with the
  :reverse option on PostgreSQL is now avoided by using an
  unambiguous order.

* Performance has been improved slightly by avoiding unnecessary
  hash allocations.

* Performance has been improved slightly by using while instead
  of Kernel#loop.

* BigDecimal() is now used instead of, as the
  latter has been deprecated.

* The jdbc adapter now avoids referencing ::NativeException on JRuby
  9.2+, since JRuby has deprecated it.  It is still used on older
  versions of JRuby, since some JRuby 1.7 code may still require it.

* Sequel now works around multiple Date/Time conversion bugs in
  JRuby for BC dates in the pg_extended_date_support
  extension.  These bugs have already been fixed in JRuby, and
  the workarounds will be removed after the release of JRuby


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