I would like to allow a User to mark a Contact or Entity as a favorite.

Towards this end, I have these tables:

* users, contacts, entities
* users_favorites: :id, :user_id, :favorite_id, :kind

User model:

  many_to_many :contacts,
    :class => Contact, :join_table => :users_favorites,
    :left_key => :user_id, :right_key => :favorite_id,
    conditions: {:kind=>'contact'}

  many_to_many :entities,
    :class => Entity, :join_table => :users_favorites,
    :left_key => :user_id, :right_key => :favorite_id,
    conditions: {:kind=>'entity'}

Contact model:

  many_to_many :users,
    :class => User, :join_table => :users_favorites,
    :left_key => :favorite_id, :right_key => :user_id,
    conditions: {:kind=>'contact'}

Entity model:

  many_to_many :entities,
    :class => Entity, :join_table => :users_favorites,
    :left_key => :favorite_id, :right_key => :user_id,
    conditions: {:kind=>'entity'}

When I attempt to lists a User's contacts, I get an error:

IRB> User[1].contacts
Sequel::DatabaseError: SQLite3::SQLException: ambiguous column name: kind


What's the correct way to specify the table name in the conditions?
In general, would you recommend this approach?  I'm sure it would be easier 
with a table for each kind (e.g. users_contacts, users_entities).

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