Well, I've moved to a .left_join which has me satisfied so far.  There 
isn't anything specific I'm trying to translate.  Just trying to get my 
head around this approach.  But two questions:

Given that every table that I include might have a *creation_date* field, 
how can I decipher between which table I need to select it from?  For 


Ultimately, I'd like to use the Sequel subset capabilities in order to get 
to qualified fields in those various tables.  I've been looking for a way 
to decipher between table names, however a dataset starts with a single 
table.  At this point it's sounding like getting an array of qualified 
keyfield values for an IN statement.  The documentation for subqueries 
comes in multiple statements.  I have a three-table join that I am facing 
and it would be ideal to do this by avoiding joins.

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