
I'm transitioning a table from a three way composite PK to a single integer 
PK thus:

   1. In the up:
      1. drop_constraint :jcus_requirements_orgs_pkey
      2. add_primary_key :id
      2. In the down:
      1. drop_constraint :jcus_requirements_pkey, type: :primary_key
      2. add_primary_key [:jcu_id, :requirement_id, :org_id], name: 
However, when running the down, the constraint is removed but the column 
remains. (Adding a name: :id didn't help but I doubt you're surprised by 

I wound up adding a drop_column :id in the down block which left me with a 
reciprocal up / down migration. (I'm picky that way.)

But I remain curious if I've missed a more obvious solution (to remove 
constraint and the named column in a single step) or if this is a bug. So . 
. . I thought I'd ask. :-)

Once more Jeremy, thank you for the great libraries and all you do for open 


PS: If it matters, sequel 5.37, sequel_pg 1.8, pg 13

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