A couple of things.  I'm looking for a way to create a timestamp field that 
has a default expression of *now().*  

Documentation shows the following, whose first field is tripping:

*DL.create_table(:bubbbles) do*
*  column :a1, :string                #    error below*
*  column :a2, String          *
*  column :a3, 'string'        *
*  column :a4, :datetime   *
*  column :a5, DateTime    *
*  column :a6, 'timestamp(6)' *

*PG::UndefinedObject: ERROR:  type "string" does not exist 
*LINE 1: CREATE TABLE "bubbbles" ("a1" string, "a2" text, "a3" string...*

I guess the docs have a slight error.  Second, how can I get that field to 
take that expression as the default?


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