I'm running into issues using the lazy_attributes plugin with the 
class_table_inheritance plugin and am hoping to get some help with it. 

The parent table has a column that I want to lazily load. If I add the 
lazy_attributes plugin to the parent class I run into errors related to the 
lazy loaded column being missing. When I add it to the subclass then I lose 
typecasting for all columns when setting them through the subclass. 

I used postgres because sqlite is not very strict with typing and I wanted 
to use the same setup for both examples.


DB = Sequel.connect "postgres://user:password@host:port/database_name"

DB.create_table :employees do
  primary_key :id
  column :kind, :text
  column :active, :boolean
  column :bio, :text

DB.create_table :managers do
  foreign_key :id, :employees, null: false
  primary_key [:id]

The base case without adding lazy_attributes manually works as expected

class Employee < Sequel::Model
  plugin :class_table_inheritance, key: :kind

class Manager < Employee

employee = Employee.create active: 0, bio: "Superclass bio"
puts "employee's biography: #{employee.bio}"
puts "Employee 'active' was typecast -> #{employee.active}"

manager = Manager.create active: 0, bio: "Subclass bio"
puts "manager's biography: #{manager.bio}"
puts "Manager 'active' was typecast -> #{manager.active}"

Adding lazy_attributes on bio to the parent class causes reading bio to 
raise an error: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR:  column employees.bio does not 

class Employee < Sequel::Model
  plugin :lazy_attributes, :bio
  plugin :class_table_inheritance, key: :kind

class Manager < Employee

employee = Employee.create active: 0, bio: "Superclass bio"
# superclass works
puts "Employee 'active' was typecast -> #{employee.active}"
puts "employee's biography: #{employee.bio}"

manager = Manager.create active: 0, bio: "Subclass bio"
puts "Manager 'active' was typecast -> #{manager.active}"
# subclass breaks reading bio from DB
puts "manager's biography: #{manager.bio}" # <- error raised here

Adding it to the subclass instead means active won't be typecast on set for 
instances of the subclass (it raises PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR:  column 
"active" is of type boolean but expression is of type integer)

class Employee < Sequel::Model
  plugin :class_table_inheritance, key: :kind

class Manager < Employee
  plugin :lazy_attributes, :bio

# Typecasting works on parent
employee = Employee.create active: 0, bio: "Superclass bio"
puts "employee's biography: #{employee.bio}"
puts "Employee 'active' was typecast -> #{employee.active}"

# Typecasting doesn't work on subclass
manager = Manager.create active: 0, bio: "Subclass bio" # <- error raised 
puts "manager's biography: #{manager.bio}"
puts "Manager 'active' was typecast -> #{manager.active}"

I'm not sure if this is a bug or user error. Any help would be much 

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