El miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021 a las 15:43:39 UTC+2, Jeremy Evans 

> On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 1:49 AM David Espada <brom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I need to define a synthtic field for a Sequel::Model source dataset. I'd 
>> like getting a sum field with any Model query. How can it be done?
> It sounds like you want to add a SELECTed expression to the model's 
> dataset:
> class ModelName < Sequel::Model(DB[:table].select_append(some_expression))
> end

Thank you very much :D

I have found a problem with my "cooked" dataset. Here is the code for 
composing it:

class Gasto < Sequel::Model
  set_dataset(dataset.select(*dataset.columns.map {|c| 
Sequel.qualify(:gastos, c)}).
              left_join(dataset.exclude(id: :gastos__id).as('g'),
              prevision_id: :gastos__prevision_id).
              select_append {sum(:g__importe_divisa).as(:otros_gastos)}.

When I try to save data on this model here is the result of "puts 

SELECT * FROM (SELECT "gastos"."id", "gastos"."factura_proveedor_id", 
"gastos"."prevision_id", "gastos"."divisa_id", "gastos"."cambio_gasto", 
"gastos"."importe_divisa_base", "gastos"."importe_divisa", 
"gastos"."cuenta_gasto", "gastos"."dato_facturacion_compra_id", 
"gastos"."concepto_id", "gastos"."contraccion_id", "gastos"."_type", 
"gastos"."codigo_analitica", "gastos"."parent_id", "gastos"."repartido", 
"gastos"."entidad_reparto", "gastos"."criterio_reparto_id", 
"gastos"."tipo_entidad", "gastos"."clave_busqueda_reparto_id", 
"gastos"."valor_reparto_id", sum("g"."importe_divisa") AS "otros_gastos" 
FROM "gastos" LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM "gastos" WHERE (("gastos"."_type" IN 
('factura_proveedor_gasto')) AND ("id" != "gastos"."id"))) AS "g" ON 
("g"."prevision_id" = "gastos"."prevision_id") WHERE ("gastos"."_type" IN 
('factura_proveedor_gasto')) GROUP BY "gastos"."id") AS "gastos" LIMIT 1;

It works good when executed directly in PostgreSQL. But when doing the save 
in Sequel it raises the error:

Sequel::DatabaseError: Java::OrgPostgresqlUtil::PSQLException: ERROR: 
syntax error at or near "("
  Position: 13
Caused by Java::OrgPostgresqlUtil::PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or 
near "("
  Position: 13
Caused by Java::OrgPostgresqlUtil::PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or 
near "("
  Position: 13

Is there a bug? Anything I do wrong?

Thank you again for your work and tricks :)



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