I'm sure this is user error, but I'm having a surprising issue using 
generated columns.

In short I can't save a record after creating it, because Sequel is trying 
to write back the generated column, which is not allowed. The exception 
looks like this:

.../sequel-5.48.0/lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb:156:in `exec': 
PG::SyntaxError: ERROR:  column "full_name" can only be updated to DEFAULT 
DETAIL:  Column "full_name" is a generated column.

As you can guess from the error I have a user column with a first_name and 
last_name column, and a generated column full_name. 

That was created via this line in the table creation:

column      :full_name,   String,     generated_always_as: 
Sequel[:first_name] + ' ' + Sequel[:last_name], generated_type: :stored

This works perfectly, except that after records are created they can't be 
saved... The code below is enough to trigger the error.

user = User.first! email: 'f...@bar.com'

I'm guessing there's some configuration I need to do on the model to tell 
it not to write the full_name column, but I haven't been able to figure it 
out yet. Any help is appreciated :)

Thank you!
- Andrew

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