On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 11:50 AM Benjamin Hutton <benhut...@gmail.com>

> Hey Jeremy,
> I am seeing some strange behavior with many_to_many associations,
> association cloning, and classes.
> I am building a set of sequel models to interact with a legacy database
> that we are slowly migrating away from, and trying to untangle some
> polymorphism in the old database.
> I started with a bunch of associations like the following:
> many_to_many :audios, class: 'Legacy::Models::SequelAudio', join_table:
> :content_syndications, left_key: :contentable_id, right_key: :content_id
> do |ds|
>    ds.where(:contents[:type] => 'Contents::Audio')
> end
> I then realized that I can do the following, in order to get rid of the
> block on the association:
> class Legacy::Models::SequelAudio < Legacy::Models::SequelContent
>   set_dataset LEGACY_DB[:contents].where(type: 'Contents::Audio')
> end
> Which leads to:
> many_to_many :audios, class: 'Legacy::Models::SequelAudio', join_table:
> :content_syndications, left_key: :contentable_id, right_key: :content_id
> At this point, I realize I am relying on something cool going on with the
> class argument.
> I then try to further DRY up my code by doing this:
> many_to_many :audios, clone: :contents, class:
> 'Legacy::Models::SequelAudio'
> Unfortunately, it seems like the class that I am specifying is no longer
> getting applied. The association returns records with the class that is
> on the cloned contents association, not the audios association. And it
> isn't using the correct dataset anymore.
> Is there something else that I need to be doing? Am I misunderstanding
> cloning?

I had trouble reproducing the example at first, using the following code:

 A = Class.new(Sequel::Model)
Content = Class.new(Sequel::Model(:contents))
Audio = Class.new(Sequel::Model(DB[:contents].where(:type=>'audio') ))
A.many_to_many :contents, :class=>Content, :join_table=>:x
A.many_to_many :audios, :clone=>:contents, :class=>Audio
DB.fetch = {:id=>2}
p A.association_reflection(:contents).associated_class
p A.association_reflection(:audios).associated_class
p A.load(:id=>1).contents_dataset.sql
p A.load(:id=>1).audios_dataset.sql
p A.load(:id=>1).contents.first
p A.load(:id=>1).audios.first

The output from that is:

"SELECT contents.* FROM contents INNER JOIN x ON (x.content_id = contents.id)
WHERE (x.a_id = 1)"
"SELECT contents.* FROM contents INNER JOIN x ON (x.audio_id = contents.id)
WHERE ((type = 'audio') AND (x.a_id = 1))"
#<Content @values={:id=>2}>
#<Audio @values={:id=>2}>

However, I was able to reproduce this when using a symbol to the :class

A.many_to_many :contents, :class=>:Content, :join_table=>:x
A.many_to_many :audios, :clone=>:contents, :class=>:Audio

With that change, the output is:

"SELECT contents.* FROM contents INNER JOIN x ON (x.content_id = contents.id)
WHERE (x.a_id = 1)"
"SELECT contents.* FROM contents INNER JOIN x ON (x.audio_id = contents.id)
WHERE (x.a_id = 1)"
#<Content @values={:id=>2}>
#<Content @values={:id=>2}>

So this is definitely a bug, and it's related to the late binding of
classes by using a string or symbol, probably because the :class option is
renamed to :class_name in that case, but the cloning code doesn't handle
that.  I'll work on a fix for it shortly.


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