BTW, I write a test for show this issue.

Current test is passed, work as expected. but if revert to use, test 
is failing.

this project clear enough, i consider it can be serve as a example.

DB config is here:
Model config is here:

All relative migration is here:

run test should just work after

$: bundle install
$: RACK_ENV=test rake db:create
$: RACK_ENV=test rake db:migrate
m test/services/retrieve_investing_latest_news_test.rb

在2021年11月20日星期六 UTC+8 下午12:27:36<Billy Zheng> 写道:

> Okay, i will do more research with add a trigger for find out this issue 
> caused by UPDATE statement invalid, or just stored generated column not 
> updated when do UPDATE, even, not works with Roda request?
> will be in touch, thanks
> 在2021年11月20日星期六 UTC+8 上午1:38:06<Jeremy Evans> 写道:
>> On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 9:05 AM Billy Zheng <> wrote:
>>> Okay, i update my code, like this:
>>> ```
>>> 'add-ts-keyword' do
>>>         new_keyword = r.params['new_keyword']
>>>         if new_keyword.present?
>>> "INSERT INTO zhparser.zhprs_custom_word 
>>> values(?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;", new_keyword))
>>>         end
>>>         r.redirect request.referrer
>>>       end
>>> 'remove-ts-keyword' do
>>>         keyword = r.params['keyword']
>>>         if keyword.present?
>>> "DELETE FROM zhparser.zhprs_custom_word 
>>> WHERE word=?;", keyword))
>>>         end
>>>         r.redirect request.referrer
>>>       end
>>> 'sync-ts-keyword' do
>>>"SELECT sync_zhprs_custom_word();")
>>>"UPDATE investing_latest_news SET title = title, preview 
>>> = preview;")
>>>         r.redirect request.referrer
>>>       end
>>> ```
>>> But it still not work.
>>> For describe my issue, i record a video, and upload here.
>>> Could you please check?
>>> > UPDATE just sets columns to their current value, so it will only have 
>>> an effect if there are triggers or something similar in play.
>>> As you can see in the video, the first time, i add "美元“ token into 
>>> parser, the UPDATE statement works, but then after i remove add from parser,
>>> the UPDATE not work anymore,  and finally, when i UPDATE from 
>>> bin/console, it works again.
>> Sorry, I don't have time to watch vidoes.  This is a Sequel help form, so 
>> if you think there is a problem, please post a minimal self contained 
>> example showing it using just Sequel, with no other libraries.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeremy

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