On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 7:21 AM Martín Fernández <fmarti...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> We stumbled upon a bug in our system due to a misunderstanding on how
> custom datasets work when they are defined in models.
> We have the following example:
> ```
> class User
>   one_to_many :active_role_assignments, class: RoleAssignment.name do |ds|
>       ds.active
>     end
> end
> ```
> In another place of the code we are doing something close to this:
> ```
> User.association_join(:active_role_assignments)
> ```
> We were under the impression that `ds.active` was going to considered but
> that doesn't seem to be true.
> Is there a way to make Sequel consider the custom dataset of the relation?

association_join uses eager_graph internally, and eager_graph cannot
consider association blocks, since it works on joined datasets.  You should
use an appropriate :graph_conditions option for the active_role_assignments

I realize Sequel's behavior is suboptimal here.  I added the
auto_restrict_eager_graph plugin (
in Sequel 5.55.0 which will not allow the use of eager_graph (and therefore
association_join) for associations with blocks but without :graph_*
options.  This is likely to become the default behavior in Sequel 6.


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