Hi everyone,

I have these classes:

class User < Sequel::Model
  one_to_one :password
  one_to_many :old_password

class Password < Sequel::Model(:user_password_hashes)
  many_to_one :user

that correspond to the following migrations: 

create_table(:users) do 
      primary_key :id, :type=>:Bignum
      String :name, null: false
      String :first_name, null: false
      citext :email, :null=>false
      constraint :valid_email, :email=>/^[^,;@ \r\n]+@[^,@; \r\n]+\.[^,@; 
      index :email, :unique=>true
      Boolean :superuser, null: false, :default=>false
      Boolean :administrator, null: false, :default=>false
      Boolean :user, null: false, :default=>true
      DateTime :created_at, :null=>false, 

create_table(:user_password_hashes) do
      foreign_key :id, :users, :primary_key=>true, :type=>:Bignum, 
      String :password_hash, :null=>false

Creating a user doesn't raise any problems and is correctly added to the 

user = User.create(
          name: @request_payload['nom'],
          first_name: @request_payload['prenom'],
          email: @request_payload['mail'],
          superuser: true,
          administrator: false,
          user: false

But adding a password raises an error. I do this:

# @request_payload['pass'] is the password the user submits 
password = BCrypt::Password.create( @request_payload['pass'] )

# add_password which is the model name that corresponds to the
# table I set with this method: Sequel::Model(:user_password_hashes)
user.add_password(password_hash: password)

The error is: 

*NoMethodError - undefined method `add_password' for #<User 
@values={:id=>14, :name=>"foo", :first_name=>"frodo", 
:email=>"tf...@moi.fr", :superuser=>true, :administrator=>false, 
:user=>false, :created_at=>2022-05-07 08:26:28.928112 +0200}>        
user.add_password(password_hash: password)            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^Did you 
mean?  add_old_password:*

Any help is much appreciated. 

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