On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 10:06 PM Thiebo <thiebald.crem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to do this SQL request (postgresql) :
> select SUM (montant) AS solde FROM entrees WHERE account_id = 1 and
> date_de_valeur >= '2022-02-01' and date_de_valeur < '2022-03-01'
> Reading the documentation on virtual rows, I do this in Sequel:
> DB[:entrees].select{[sum(montant).as(solde)]}.where{(date_de_valeur >=
> '2022-02-01') & (date_de_valeur <= '2022-03-01')}.where(account_id:
> 1).map(:solde)

This generates the following SQL:

SELECT sum(montant) AS solde FROM entrees WHERE ((date_de_valeur >=
'2022-02-01') AND (date_de_valeur <= '2022-03-01') AND (account_id = 1))

The only difference I can see is you are using <= instead of < for
'2022-03-01'.  Maybe that is what is affecting your results?

That last query return an erroneous result. What am I doing wrong?

Hard to tell for sure.  I would guess the difference in operator causes it,
but you don't mention how the result is erroneous (what you expect vs what
you received), or provide a self contained example (e.g. create tables,
populate data, then run query) to enable debugging the issue.


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