I've spent a lot of time today trying to find this out on my own but have 
not made progress.

I'm using SQL Server and tinytds. My query optimizer is choosing a poor 
index for reasons yet unknown and I need to specify a table hint until this 
is otherwise resolved.

The query I'm trying to recreate using the native DS api is:

SELECT top 10 *
WHERE [CREATE_TS] > '20230111'

I can't figure out how to specify `WITH(INDEX(name))` using Sequel Dataset 
query building API. It may not currently exist.

In SQL Server, the table hint WITH statement should come after the `FROM 
[table]` statement. I saw a conversation here that seemed to imply there 
may be `with:` options, but it didn't work as expected.

Can someone recommend a way to use the natural DS api to accomplish this, 
even if it requires adding a patch?

Thank you in advance for your time.

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