
PressTV-UN censures Macedonia over refugees

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein has censured
Macedonia for "systematic" violation of the rights of dejected and
vulnerable refugees, particularly children.

"I urge the government to put an end to these practices, which are in breach
of international law," Zeid said on Friday.

The UN rights chief said he was deeply concerned after receiving reports of
Macedonia's collective and arbitrary expulsion of refugees into neighboring

He said measures such as detaining and expelling refugees, especially the
detention of children, violated international human rights.

Zeid said when his staff visited Macedonia earlier this month, they
witnessed widespread detention of refugees, including many children, "who
have been living in limbo since March."

"It is duty of the authorities to ensure that all migrants are properly and
systematically screened so that vulnerable people are identified and
adequate protection measures taken," he said.

"We have received reports of terrible abuses taking place, including rapes,
extortion and kidnapping," the senior UN official said, adding that
refugees, particularly women and children, were "in a deplorably vulnerable

"Many of these migrants have already had terrible experiences in their home
countries, as well as during their journeys to Europe, and they deserve, and
are legally entitled to, better treatment than this. It is not enough just
to provide the minimum in terms of food and shelter," he said.

European leaders have repeatedly warned the tragedy-stricken refugees
heading to the continent that they are not welcome there.

Earlier this month, European Council President Donald Tusk went even further
and said the capacity to take in more refugees is almost full.

European Council President Donald Tusk (Photo by AFP)

"The practical capability of Europe to host new waves of refugees. is close
to limits," Tusk told reporters on September 4.

Many blame the West for the violence and unrest that has forced millions of
people to flee their homes in the Middle East and North Africa, causing the
huge flow of refugees into Europe.


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