BREAKING NEWS: MH17 Downed by Missile Fired from Kiev-Controlled Territory - 
BUK Manufacturer

Dutch probe also just released: fired from Eastern Ukraine

RI Staff <>   

Breaking News 2 hours ago | 6 




BUK manufacturer Almaz-Antey has just published key findings of the crash of 
Malaysian flight MH17 which took place on July 17, 2014, in Eastern Ukraine, 
killing all 298 passengers and crew members onboard, among them 80 children. 
According to the firm, 

*       MH17 was downed by a missile fired from Kiev-controlled territory 
*       missile exploded 20 meters above portside area of engine, not starboard 
side of plane, as Dutch probe claims
*       missile was an older version than previously thought because of the 
shape of the shrapnel holes found in the fuselage 
*       Dutch probe shows two types of strike elements, but there were three
*       BUK is ready to give their probe's conclusion to European courts

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