The City of Light Falls Dark

Eric Margolis 


... Now, it's Europe's turn to feel some of the horrors of the wars in the 
Mideast. France is a prime target because of its extensive and deepening 
military interventions in the Muslim world. Some 10,000 French soldiers or 
airmen and large numbers of intelligence operatives are involved in Syria, 
Iraq, the Gulf, Libya, Chad, Mali and Ivory Coast. France props up the 
authoritarian rulers of Algeria and Morocco. France is playing a central role 
in its former colonies, Syria and Lebanon. Paris appears to have long-range 
plans for expanding its influence in the Levant, including installing regimes 
attuned to French policies ... In short, France has made many enemies for 
itself across the Mideast. It appears only a matter of time before France's 
partners in Mideast intervention, the United States and Britain, become new 
targets of jihadist violence.

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