
PressTV-Russia plane downing 'planned provocation'


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has described the downing of a Russian 
warplane by the Turkish military as a “planned provocation,” saying terrorist 
groups operating against the Syrian government are openly using the Turkish 


Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24M Fencer aircraft with two pilots aboard on 
Tuesday, claiming the fighter jet had repeatedly violated the Turkish airspace.

Russia dismisses Ankara’s claims and says the fighter jet was downed in the 
Syrian airspace, where the Russian air force has been carrying out combat 
sorties against Takfiri terrorists since September 30 upon a request by the 
Syrian government. 

“We have serious doubts that this act was unintentional. It looks very much 
like a pre-planned provocation,” Lavrov told a press conference in the Russian 
capital, Moscow, on Wednesday.

He said it is “no secret” that terrorist groups are using the Turkish territory 
in their operations against the government of Syria.

The Russian foreign minister said the Turkish territory is used for “training 
and financing” the militants. Moscow, he added, backs a call by French 
President Francois Hollande to close the Syria-Turkey border in an attempt to 
stop the recruitment and financing of the militants.

‘Serious reconsideration’ of Turkey ties

Lavrov also stated that Russia had no plan to go to war with Turkey. “We do not 
plan to go to war with Turkey, our attitude toward the Turkish people has not 

However, the Russian foreign minister said Moscow would "seriously reconsider" 
its relations with Ankara.

Regarding an international investigation into the downing of the Russian 
aircraft, Lavrov said there are speculations that the downing was an “evident 

In response to a question about the fate of the two pilots of the Russian 
fighter jet, Lavrov said one of them has been rescued with the help of the 
Syrian army troops and is currently at Russia's Khmeimim base in western Syria.

The Russian Defense Ministry has officially reported the death of the other 
pilot, who “was wounded when he parachuted down and killed in a savage way on 
the ground” by militants.

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has said that Turkey’s action was a “stab in 
the back, carried out by the accomplices of terrorists.”


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