Many CIA agents and senior officers disappeared simple because they refused to 
conduct propaganda against the Serbs in Yugoslavia.

We had to choose a scapegoat who would be blamed for everything. Someone who 
would be responsible for the war and violence. Serbia was chosen because in 
some ways it is a successor to Yugoslavia.

Srebrenica is an exaggerated story and unfortunately many people are being 
manipulated. The number of victims is the same as the number of Serbs and 
others killed but Srebrenica is political marketing.

the people who incited the war and dictated the terms of the peace now own the 
companies that exploit various mineral resources and the like! They simply made 
slaves of you, your people work for nothing and that produce goes to Germany 
and America…they are the winners!

Kosovo has taken for two reasons, first because of mineral and natural 
resources, and secondly, Kosovo is a military base of NATO! In the heart of 
Europe is their largest military base.



Confession of a CIA Agent: They gave us millions to dismember Yugoslavia 









 <> Confession of a CIA Agent: They 
gave us millions to dism...

We bribed parties and politicians who have enticed hate between the nations. 
Our ultimate goal was to enslave you!


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