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 <http://www.investigaction.net/From-the-Condor-Operation-to-FTAA.html> From 
the Condor Operation to FTAA : globalization and state terrorism

  Alex Anfruns, Martin Almada 


For having a more just and society in solidarity educator Martin Alrmada was 
considered by the Stroessner dictatorship as a subversive and an “intellectual 
terrorist”. As thousands of students, educators, intellectuals and social 
fighters, he was a victim of torture and military repression as part of the 
“Condor Operation” in South America. In spite of this Martin Almada never 
abandoned his ideals and in 1992 discovered the “Archives of Terror” in 
Paraguay revealing proof of an international network and system of repression 
coordinated between the military dictatorships with the support of the CIA. On 
the 40th anniversary of setting up “Operation Condor : on November 25 of 1975 
we interviewed Professor Martin Almada, Alternative Nobel Prize of Peace and 
“hunter of the Condor” to understand the mechanisms and responsibilities behind 
this vast repressive operation.



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