
PressTV-Corbyn to push for UK’s EU stay

The leader of UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, says he will campaign for Britain 
to stay in the European Union in an upcoming referendum.

Corbyn says Labour Party is committed to keeping Britain in the EU, because it 
is the best framework for European trade and cooperation.

In a Saturday speech to the Labour local government conference in Nottingham, 
he said: "In the referendum campaign Labour will be making it clear we stand up 
for public ownership and accountability.

"Our party is committed to keeping Britain in the EU because we believe it is 
the best framework for European trade and co-operation and is in the best 
interests of the British people,” UK media quoted him as saying.

"But we also want to see progressive reform in Europe: democratization, 
stronger workers' rights, sustainable growth and jobs at the heart of economic 
policy, and an end to the pressure to privatize and deregulate public services.”

"And we will be pressing the case for a real social Europe during the coming 
referendum campaign."

He made the comments after a member from his party suggested that he might join 
a camp that supports leaving the bloc.

Last year, Britain decided to hold a referendum on whether to exit the EU. 
British Prime Minister David Cameron has laid out four reform proposals it 
wants from Brussels in return for backing the UK’s continued EU membership in 
the 2017 referendum.


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