
China's Growing Ties With Serbia

Samuel Ramani, The Diplomat

Image Credit: REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

Political ties have long been strong, and are now being supported by
increased economic links.

On February 5, 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping made an official statement
acknowledging Serbian statehood day. In the press release that followed, Xi
highlighted deepened cooperation between China and Serbia in recent years,
and reaffirmed China's intentions to expand economic links with Serbia in
the years to come. This statement came on the heels of announcement by
Chinese ambassador to Serbia Li Manchang that Chinese companies were
planning to invest heavily in the construction of an industrial park in
Serbia, to attract Chinese visitors to the country. The progress of these
investments has been tacitly confirmed by Xi's acceptance of an invitation
from his Serbian counterpart Tomislav Nikolic to visit Belgrade in 2016.

These diplomatic overtures confirm Serbia's status as China's strongest and
most consistent ally in Eastern Europe. The strength of the China-Serbia
partnership can be explained by two principal factors. First, China and
Serbia are normatively compatible on issues of sovereignty and territorial
integrity, leading to both countries' supporting each other on Kosovo, Tibet
and Xinjiang. Second, Serbia's strategic location makes it a vital cog in
China's attempts to link its One Belt, One Road project to Central Europe,
and consequently, a natural destination point for Chinese economic and
infrastructure investments.

China and Serbia: Normative Partners on Sovereignty Disputes

The China-Serbia alliance was crystallized during the 1990s as both
countries came under fire from the West for their refusal to grant
independence to autonomous regions under their control, and for human rights
abuses towards minority communities. China strongly backed Slobodan
Milosevic's regime during the Kosovo crisis, arguing that Serbian
paramilitaries were intervening in Kosovo to prevent Albanian separatists
from violating Yugoslavian sovereignty. Chinese support for Milosevic became
especially prominent during the 1999 NATO bombings of Kosovo, as China
believed that NATO had no legal right to bomb Serbian military targets.

The perceived recklessness of NATO's military intervention in Kosovo was
confirmed in the eyes of Beijing's policymakers by the accidental bombing of
the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. The U.S. insisted that this bombing was the
product of outdated CIA maps. But the Chinese government unofficially linked
this action to America's broader sovereignty violations in Serbia. In fact,
subsequent reports alleged that the Chinese embassy was used as a backup
communications center for the Yugoslav army.

Even though Milosevic's hold on power was severely weakened by 2000 due to
UN sanctions and international isolation, Chinese diplomats continued to
meet publicly with the Serbian dictator and China invested $300 million into
the Serbian economy in December 1999 to prevent a destabilizing financial
crisis. The Chinese state media frequently depicted Milosevic as a crusader
against Western imperialism and violations of international law, while
virtually ignoring his regime's ethnic cleansing against Albanians in
Kosovo. Prior to his 2000 election defeat, both Belgrade and Beijing
believed that recognizing Milosevic as the legitimate leader was vital to
upholding Yugoslavian sovereignty and solidarity during the late 1990s
provided the foundation for a durable bilateral partnership.

Even though Serbia has thawed relations with Europe in the fifteen years,
since Milosevic's demise, China and Serbia have continued to maintain their
normative bonding on sovereignty born out of the Kosovo experience. China
scathingly condemned Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence in
2008, and warned that the West's legitimization of this decision would
destabilize the Balkans. The strength of China's alliance with Serbia was
illustrated by Beijing's decision to enter a legal challenge to Kosovo's
secession through the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in December 2009.
This unprecedented action was aimed at providing legal legitimacy for
Serbia's right to protect its territorial integrity.

China's hawkish response to Kosovo's independence declaration is linked
closely to its fears that international legitimization of Kosovo's secession
from Serbia will repeat itself in autonomous territories governed by
Beijing. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov publicly linked Kosovo's
decision to unrest in Tibet in March 2008, and China's support for Belgrade
can be explained by its desire to avoid setting a precedent that Tibetan
nationalists could exploit. Serbia's staunch support for a One China Policy,
criticism of the decision to award the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Chinese
dissident Liu Xiaobo, and consistent emphasis on the domestic nature of the
Tibet dispute, has resulted in a durable normative partnership between
Belgrade and Beijing. As these norms are at odds with European values, the
China-Serbia alliance has frustrated European policymakers who seek to
integrate Serbia firmly into the EU fold.

Economic Foundations

The economic interests underpinning China's expanded cooperation with
Serbia, since the two countries established a strategic partnership in 2009,
are multifaceted and diverse. Infrastructure investments have been a vital
component of the partnership, as China seeks to construct a
Belgrade-Budapest railway and smaller railways across Serbia to give its One
Belt, One Road project a foothold in the Balkans. Negotiations conducted in
December 2014 to facilitate the progress of this railway construction
project highlighted the potential for Serbia to be a fulcrum in a trade
network transporting Chinese manufactured goods from Piraeus, Greece to
Central Europe.

China's investment proposals have also attracted keen interest from other
Southeastern European countries like Romania, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina
and Montenegro. This demonstrates the large potential for expanded Chinese
geopolitical leverage in the region should Beijing's relationship with
Serbia continue to strengthen.

Chinese infrastructure investments have been a gateway for intensified
efforts to diversify the Serbian economy. The 2010 Sino-Serbian Friendship
Bridge, which was constructed by a leading Chinese state-owned enterprise
and funded by Chinese creditors, resulted in expanded Chinese investment in
Serbian energy, with thermal power plant construction particularly
successful. Serbia's dependency on Russian energy supplies has been
exploited by Kremlin policymakers, who charge Belgrade a higher rate for
Russian gas exports than other Eastern European countries like Hungary. In
light of this, Serbian policymakers have understandably welcomed China's
energy infrastructure investments, as an appealing alternative.

Serbia's manufacturing capacity has also benefited considerably from Chinese
money. Li Manchang stated in March 2015 that officials from China's Hebei
province had visited Belgrade with the intention of investing in Belgrade's
automotive industry. This followed Serbia's signing of 13 agreements with
China in 2014 covering the financial, infrastructure, telecommunications,
and transport sectors. The IMF's suspension of credit to Serbia in 2012, due
to the country's failure to comply with the financial conditions it set,
increased the attractiveness of Chinese manufacturing investments. The
relevance of Chinese linkages with Belgrade is likely to continue to
escalate as the Serbian economy grapples with budget deficits, the
aftershocks of a severe recession from 2013-2015, and acute capital

While EU policymakers continue to correctly focus on Russia's military
cooperation and deep economic partnership with Serbia as a potential bulwark
against Belgrade's integration with the EU, China's expansion of ties with
Serbia threatens has added another dimension to the long-standing EU-Russia
competition for influence in the Balkans. As Serbian policymakers fear
sovereignty violations resulting from firmly pivoting towards Europe or
Russia, China's geographic detachment could increase its appeal as a third
option partner and result in Serbia becoming a durable foothold of Chinese
influence in Eastern Europe.

Samuel Ramani is an MPhil student at St. Antony's College, University of
Oxford in Russian and East European Studies. He is also a journalist who is
a regular contributor to the Huffington Post Politics and World Post
verticals, and recently to the Kyiv Post. 


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