
Why Ukraine needs Russia more than ever

Nicolai Petro

In January Ukraine's president, Petro Poroshenko, congratulated the country
on surviving its first winter without buying Russian gas. It had instead
bought European gas which, as Poroshenko pointed out proudly, was 30% more
ichnu-nezalezhnist-36684> .

This sums up the core problem facing the Ukrainian economy. It is not
corruption, a serious issue about which little can be done in the short
term, but the ideologically driven choice to sever all ties with Russia
<> , the country that has
historically been its major trading partner and chief investor.

In little over a year, living standards in Ukraine have fallen by half
l> , the currency has lost 350%
.html> of its value, and inflation has skyrocketed
<> to 43%.
Yet, even as the economy has collapsed, the government has insisted on
economic policies that can only be termed suicidal. 

Aivaras Abromavičius and his entire team quit complaining of ingrained
corruption, a major blow to president and government 

By tearing up contracts with Russia in 2014, Ukraine's defence and aviation
industries lost 80%
oy_i_voennyh_otraslyah_sostavyat_2_mlrd_grn.html> of their income. Once the
pride of Kiev, airline manufacturer Antonov went bankprupt
<>  and rocket engine
producer Yuzhmash is now working just one day a week.

By severing banking ties with Moscow, Kiev has denied itself investment and
a vital economic lifeline - the remittances sent back home by zarobitchane,
Ukraine's migrant workers. Up to seven million
-impoverished-tajikistan-only-one-year/5559> Ukrainians work in Russia,
sending back $9bn in 2014 - three times the total
cii.html>  foreign direct investment Ukraine got last year.

Reckless government borrowing has exacerbated the problem. The government
was able to write off 20% of its Eurobond debt last October, allowing it to
negotiate for the next IMF loan tranche which was expected in December but
still not been received. 

But the draconian terms imposed for this small beer are often overlooked.
Ukraine will be repaying this debt until 2041
pehami.html> , with future generations giving western creditors as much as
half of the country's GDP growth, should it ever reach 4% a year.



Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko followed by Belarusian president
Alexander Lukashenko and Russian president Vladimir Putin after talks in
Minsk. Photograph: Grigory Dukor/Reuters 

There is a common thread that links the government's irrational economic
behavior - the understandable desire to spite Vladimir Putin
<> . Alas, it is the average
Ukrainian citizen who pays the price.

There can also be no doubt that Poroshenko approves of this approach. In his
first speech of 2016 he announced new priorities for the Ukrainian economy
<> . The
government intends to end subsidies to manufacturing and industry, and
instead promote investment in information technologies and agriculture. 

It is not at all clear, however, where he will sell this produce, since by
signing a free trade agreement with the EU, Ukraine
<>  lost its preferential access to
its largest market, Russia.

Meanwhile, EU certification allows only 72 Ukrainian companies to export
goods to the EU
rainskih-kompanii-eksportiruyut-produkty-zhivotnogo-proishozhdeniya-v-es> .
Of these, 39 licenses are for honey. While that may sound like a lot of
honey, Ukraine exported its yearly quota
_kvoti_na_postavku_v_es_meda_i_kukuruzi_580.html>  for honey in the first
six weeks of 2016. 

Nor is it clear how Poroshenko plans to make Ukrainian agriculture globally
competitive when, as his own agriculture minister points out, four out of
five agricultural companies are bankrupt. <>
It is also unclear who will pay for agricultural machinery
ikvidacii.htm> , 80% of which is imported.

Such policies have led to a steady erosion of government popularity, with
70% of Ukrainians saying <>  the
country is on wrong track and 85% say they do not trust
<> the
prime minister. Poroshenko
's popularity is now lower than that of his predecessor, Viktor Yanukovich,
on the eve of the Maidan rebellion that ousted him
lees-kiev> .

But while less than 2% describe the country as
"stable," a new revolt does not seem imminent. So far, the regime has been
able to provide explanations that deflect attention away from its own role
in Ukraine's economic demise.



Man holding a Russian flag during the celebrations for the first anniversary
of the annexation of Crimea in Sevastopol. Photograph: Maxim

The first is Russia
ea-ukrainian-soldier-casualty> 's annexation of Crimea and the rebellion in
the east, which are commonly cited as reasons for the fall in GDP. While
it's true that these caused significant economic damage, it has been
exacerbated by the government's own policies which, despite insisting
Russophone eastern regions are part of Ukraine, has cut them off from
economic ties
and punished the population <>
for siding with Russia.

Another favourite argument of the current government is that Ukraine simply
has no choice but to respond to Russian aggression by imposing its own
sanctions. The beauty of this argument is that, while it may not make
economic sense, it makes a great deal of political sense for those now in

The destruction of Ukraine's industrial base, which is heavily concentrated
in the east, shifts the balance of economic and political power to the
western regions, permanently marginalising opposing political voices. The
advantages are clear. Fostering a sense of perpetual crisis allows the
current government to argue that it must remain in power, to see its
policies through. The only uncertainty is whether such a strategy can bear
fruit before the country's economy collapses.

Nearly two years on, many are pleased to be free of Kiev, but relations with
Moscow are not as rosy as they would like

This is not a policy that the west can endorse. Regardless of political
sympathies, no western government should tolerate the deliberate
impoverishment of the population for political gain. The risks of Ukraine
becoming a failed state, and adding millions more to Europe's burgeoning
refugee crisis, are simply too high.

The best way to avoid such an outcome is to recognise that Ukraine's
economic survival depends not on western bailouts but on the renewal of
Russian investment there. Western policymakers should insist that economic
rationality take precedence over economic nationalism, and make that a
condition of assistance.

Until that happens, it is hard to imagine anyone investing in Ukraine's
future, including its own people. 

Nicolai Petro is an academic specialising in Russian and Ukrainian affairs,
currently professor of political science at the University of Rhode Island.
He spent 2013-2104 as a US Fulbright Scholar in Ukraine


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