
In 'Panama Papers', The Guardian Finds Imaginary Putin Link to Offshore

Kit (Off Guardian) 05 seconds ago | 5 10

You'd be forgiven for thinking, given the above picture, that the Panama
Papers had something to do with Vladimir Putin. Maybe he was a kingpin of
the whole thing. Maybe he was, at least, among the 12 world leaders
implicated in various shady financial practices - along with Petro
Poroshenko, the saviour of Ukrainian democracy, and the King of Saudi Arabia
(dad of the recent
Légion d'Honneur winner).

Luke Harding, a bastion of ethical journalism
y-323480?rm=eu>  (and not at all a paranoid lunatic
<> ), has
churned out 2 articles totaling over 5000 words, each using the word
"Putin", almost as often as they use the phrases "allegedly", "speculation
suggests", "has been described as" and "may have been".

Neither of his articles mentions by name any of the 12 world leaders, past
and present, actually identified in the documents, nor do they mention David
Cameron's dad, who is also in there. No, they focus on a cellist friend of
Putin's, talk about his daughter's marriage, and include an awful lot of
diagrams with big arrows that point at pictures of.Vladimir Putin. This is,
apparently, all evidence of.something.

.I'm not sure what, but it will probably be discussed at length in the
"book" Luke Harding is probably planning to publish in a couple of weeks.
That's if the NSA don't delete it all while he's typing.

The only important, or even true, phrase Harding uses appears at the very
top of this article
hore> :

.the president's name does not appear in any of the records.

That's a minor detail of course, I mean, they have a video: "How to hide $1
billion". The title screen is, you guessed it, a photo of Putin. Presumably
because he is SO GOOD at hiding his billions that, unlike Petro Poroshenko
and David Cameron's dad:

.the president's name does not appear in any of the records.

So there you go. The Guardian falls into self parody, pasting up a massive
picture, a misleading headline and 5000 words (that Harding presumably
copied from someone else), at the merest suggestion of a tenuous connection
to the Russian president.

It's a bit odd, really.


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