
Yugo-Nostalgia Prevails In Serbia, Bosnia

Gordana Knezevic

7-9 minutes


Seven independent countries have emerged from the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 
early 1990s. 

But, as a recent Gallup poll 
shows, the residents of two of them are more nostalgic  
<https://www.slobodnaevropa.org/a/drzave-bivsa-jugoslavija/28353936.html> than 
the rest for the former shared state. In Serbia, around 81 percent of people 
think that the breakup of Yugoslavia harmed their country in its current 
context. Bosnians are not far behind, with 77 percent expressing regret over 
Yugoslavia’s dissolution. But what do they all miss, and are those the same 
things for Serbians as for Bosnians?

"Cockta," the Yugoslav version of Coca-Cola, "Kiki" candies, or cheap 
"Jugoplastika" flip-flops stuffed in a backpack and a ticket for a weekend 
train to the Adriatic coast are some aspects of daily life still fondly 
recalled by former Yugoslavs in Bosnia.

"I think that this [positive] disposition toward Yugoslavia is more a 
reflection of present-day problems than a result of Yugoslavism as an 
ideology," Vjeran Pavlakovic, a Croatian historian who led a team investigating 
nation-building processes in the Western Balkans, told RFE/RL. 

Belgrade art historian Branislav Dimitrijevic has just published a book titled 
Exhausted Socialism, in which he argues against two dominant competing myths 
about ex-Yugoslavia -- on the one hand, that it was a country of prosperity and 
security, and on the other, that it was a "prison of the peoples."

"I teach in an art school, and new generations are more and more interested in 
ex-Yugoslavia, as in their regular education they learn virtually nothing about 
that country. And not only do they learn very little about it, but the 
information they are receiving from their parents about that period is 
contradictory," Dimitrijevic told RFE/RL  
 in Belgrade. 

His observation was supported by a poll conducted among young people 
  in Belgrade.

Vuk Panic, 19, said he believes that Yugoslavia was a nice place to live: "With 
a Yugoslav passport, you could go wherever you wanted!"

But his friend Milos Mihajlovic, 22, has little good to say about the former 
country: "It was not possible to build a state with Croats," he told RFE/RL's 
Belgrade bureau. 

Interethnic Stability

Yet most residents of Serbia see the breakup of Yugoslavia as a negative 
 . Only 4 percent declared that the violent Balkan divorce that took place in 
the 1990s was beneficial to Serbia. The inhabitants of Kosovo and Croatia, on 
the other hand, have the fewest regrets when it comes to the breakup of the 
former country. 

Asked what Bosnians miss about Yugoslavia, Besim Spahic said in a telephone 
interview that, above all, they miss the stability and harmony of interethnic 

"In [Josip Broz] Tito’s Yugoslavia, Bosnia was defined as a common state of 
Serbs, Croats, and Muslims. The focus was on shared values between different 
ethnic groups. Now the differences are highlighted and blown out of proportion."

"Bosnia was the most-Yugoslav of all the republics, with the largest number of 
multiethnic marriages," Spahic added. Twenty-five years later, only around 4 
percent of all marriages in Bosnia are multiethnic. 

"'Yugonostalgia' survives not because of Tito's dictatorship but because 
'brotherhood & unity'" -- the motto of Socialist Yugoslavia -- "doesn't look so 
bad now," Robin Wilson of openDemocracy tweeted 
<https://twitter.com/robinwilson250/status/735490053653200904> . 

The gloomy present faced by many Serbians and Bosnians arguably makes them more 
likely than some of their neighbors to indulge a rosy vision of the past -- at 
least some of which is fantasy. This stereotype is seemingly perpetuated 
through popular culture and media that harken back to a better time.

Competing Pasts

The most popular radio station in Sarajevo, Stari Grad, only plays music from 
1980s, apparently catering to the needs of listeners struggling to deal with 
the experience and memory of war (1992-95) and preferring to recall the comfort 
of the seemingly untroubled years before nationalist-inspired violence knocked 
at everyone's door.

But it may also reflect a bleaker future and a struggle between competing 
pasts. While Yugo-nostalgia has grown in Bosnia and other parts of the region 
in recent years, the goal of joining the European Union is becoming more 

Some former Yugoslav states may be less Yugo-nostalgic than others because they 
have been more successful in nation-building, suggested Pavlakovic.

"I think that Croatia has managed to secure its geostrategic goals, becoming a 
[relatively thriving] independent state, and maybe this is the reason why 
people support this new state [independent Croatia] more, influenced by this 
'pumping-up' of the narrative of 'us as winners,'" Pavlakovic said, adding that 
he thinks the same would apply to Kosovo.

But according to Skender Lutfiu, a historian working at the Kosovo Institute of 
History, the absence of nostalgia among ethnic Albanians 
  has as much to do with their experience in Yugoslavia as it does with the 
realization of nationhood in the present. Talking to BIRN, Lutfiu said that 
Kosovo Albanians "have no reason" to remember Tito fondly. He argued that 
Albanians in Yugoslavia admired Albania's communist dictator, Enver Hoxha, more 
than Tito.

"Albanians [in Yugoslavia] had to struggle constantly to defend their rights 
during Tito's time," he added. 

While some might suggest that Albanians had greater cause for complaint than 
many in Yugoslavia, the Serbs were the largest and most dominant group -- too 
dominant, especially in politics and the military, some would say. Yet despite 
their preponderance -- and present-day Yugo-nostalgia -- many modern scholars 
have argued that the primary responsibility for the destruction of Yugoslavia 
lies with Serbia and the Serbs.

Although Croatia certainly was not blameless in the breakup of Yugoslavia, 
historian Tony Judt was one of many who have argued that "the primary 
responsibility for the Yugoslav catastrophe must rest with the Serbs and their 
elected leader Slobodan Milosevic."

"It was Milosevic whose bid for power drove the other republics to leave. It 
was Milosevic who then encouraged his fellow Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia to 
carve out territorial enclaves and who backed them with his army," Judt said. 
"And it was Milosevic who authorized and directed the sustained assault on 
Yugoslavia's Albanian population that led to the war in Kosovo."

Selective Memory

In his highly-acclaimed book, Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945, Judt 
wrote that the destruction of Yugoslavia was not a case of spontaneous ethnic 
combustion. "Yugoslavia did not fall: it was pushed. It did not die: it was 

Some might regard it as paradoxical, then, that alongside rising 
Yugo-nostalgia, a parallel trend in Serbia has seen the steady rehabilitation 
of politicians  
 who are allegedly most responsible for the disappearance of the former state. 

Last year, Ivica Dacic, the Serbian foreign minister, was among those calling 
for a monument to Milosevic 
  to be erected in Belgrade.

Meanwhile, Labor Minister Aleksandar Vulin rarely squanders an opportunity to 
express his admiration 
  for Milosevic. 

Yet the contradiction may not be as striking as it appears.

Ultimately, both the nostalgia for the former Yugoslavia -- whether for a time 
when Serbia dominated its neighbors or, as many Bosnians remember it, a place 
of peaceful coexistence of different ethnic groups -- and a desire to honor the 
architects of its demise are founded upon selective -- or faulty -- historical 
memory. The Serbian case in particular seems to bear out the 19th-century 
French historian Ernest Renan, who wrote that "Forgetting, I would even say 
historical error, is an essential factor in the creation of a nation."

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