
Serbia to ‘Fight to Save’ Cyrillic Alphabet :: Balkan Insight

Maja Zivanovic

3-4 minutes


Worried that the future of the Cyrillic alphabet could be under threat, the 
Serbian authorities will introduce fines and benefits to defend it against the 
Latin script, media have reported.


Culture minister Vladan Vukosavljevic. Photo: Beta

The Serbian government is planning to set up a Council for the Serbian Language 
and introduce fines for public institutions and companies that do not use 
Cyrillic, as well as tax benefits to promote wider use of the script, 
state-owned newspaper Vecernje Novosti 
<>  reported on Monday. 

The changes are envisaged in the new strategy for the development of culture 
that the Serbian culture ministry is preparing, the newspaper said.

Culture minister Vladan Vukosavljevic told Vecernje Novosti that the Cyrillic 
alphabet is in danger because of globalisation.

“The condition is relatively worrisome primarily because of the dominant use of 
the Latin alphabet,” warned Vukosavljevic, adding that younger people are using 
Latin script rather than Cyrillic because of the internet, television, brands 
and logos. 

"World trade, the media and especially the Internet, imposed this [Latin] 
alphabet as the language of universal communication,” he added.

According to the Serbian constitution, adopted in 2006, Cyrillic alphabet is in 
official use, together with the Serbian language, which means that all 
communication between public institutions, but also between them and companies 
or citizens, should be in Cyrillic.

Vukosavljevic said that the new culture strategy and changes to the law on the 
official use of language and the alphabet, which the ministry will also launch, 
will both impose stricter rules on the use of Cyrillic, while the Council for 
the Serbian Language will tasked with taking care of the language policy. 

Cyrillic is defined as a “native alphabet” in the strategy, while Latin will 
have the status of a support script.

Belgrade city manager Goran Vesic recently said that Belgrade is considering 
tax cuts for companies whose advertisements use the Cyrillic alphabet.

“In this way, we would give an additional incentive to save the Cyrillic 
alphabet. Although the Latin alphabet is no less Serbian, we believe that 
protecting Cyrillic in a time of globalisation and the internet is one of our 
most important tasks,” Vesic said on May 24, Beta news agency reported. 

In 2015, Serbian newspapers Politika and Vecernje Novosti campaigned for a law 
that would entirely eliminate taxes for papers that are printed in Cyrillic. 
Both newspapers use in Cyrillic.

The initiative was supported by the Journalists’ Association of Serbia, whose 
president at the time, Ljiljana Smajlovic, was editor-in-chief of Politika.

The campaign failed as Serbian politicians did not take any action.

But the new changes announced in Vecernje Novosti could affect media, as Dragan 
Hamovic, an adviser to the minister of culture, told the newspaper.

“We will propose benefits for use of Cyrillic in print media, and for 
introducing a certain amount of Cyrillic in electronic media,” Hamovic 

He added that the state will ask mobile operators to allow the sending of 
Cyrillic text messages for the same price for Latin ones, as currently messages 
in Cyrillic are more expensive.


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