
If forced to choose, Serbia would pick EU over Russia –

By Julija Simić |

6-7 minutes


The Serbian government, opposition and Kremlin have all reacted to a statement 
by Prime Minister Ana Brnabić that Serbia, if forced to choose between closer 
ties with Russia and membership of the Union, would choose the EU. 
reports. <> 

Analysts say that Brnabić is only stating what President Aleksandar Vučić 

Serbia is not yet obligated to fully follow the EU’s foreign policy and has not 
introduced sanctions against Russia, which is providing support in the 
non-recognition of Kosovo, which may be an obstacle to the opening of Chapter 
31 in Serbia’s EU accession negotiations.

According to the results of the last opinion poll conducted by the European 
Integration Office in December 2016, just under 50% of the Serbian population 
supports the country’s EU membership.

In an interview with Bloomberg 
 , Brnabić said that she would continue the path started by her predecessor 
Vučić, to prepare the country for EU membership by 2020.

“The EU is a goal we are heading toward, that is clear,” said Brnabić, and 
added: “We have emotional ties to Russia, because of tradition, culture, 
religion. Many people in Serbia perceive Russia as our big brother and 
protector… Those sentiments cannot be overlooked, but our strategic path is the 

In an interview with the BBC 
 , Brnabić also said that Belgrade’s strategic objective was accession to the 
EU, whereas with Russia it had deeply rooted close and friendly relations, and 
added that Serbia was trying to maintain balance in a challenging time.

Serbia's first female PM sticks to EU path 

Serbia’s first female prime minister pledged on Wednesday (28 June) to reform 
education and push for the digitalisation of state administration to take the 
country closer to European Union membership.

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić and 
Minister of Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlović attempted to dampen the public 
uproar caused by the prime minister, especially amongst the opposition right.

Dačić said that Serbia would not change its foreign policy and that the 
government had managed to persevere over the last five years in the face of 
pressure and stay on the European road, without ruining its relations with 
friends, primarily Russia and China.

Zorana Mihajlović said that EU membership and the introduction of European 
standards were Serbia’s “strategic course,” but added that the country would 
not give up on relations with important partners, such as Russia, China and the 
US. She further said that Serbia had “with its European policy so far, but also 
with the protection of its own interests… shown that with its good reputation 
and stability it can be the only country in Europe that has not imposed 
sanctions on Russia”.

Moscow also spoke out. Asked for a comment on the Serbian prime minister’s 
statement that, if forced to choose between Russia and the EU, Serbia would 
choose the EU, on 5 July, Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian 
foreign ministry, told Beta that Moscow sincerely wished that Belgrade did not 
have to face that choice.

“That is Serbia’s sovereign right. But we sincerely wish that no one faces 
either Ana (Brnabić) or anyone with the choice: either-or. It is optimal to be 
with both. That is useful and safe from the point of view of one’s interests,” 
said Zakharova, adding that there was one conclusion – the harmonisation of 
processes instead of divisions.

At the same time, political analyst Cvijetin Milivojević said that the prime 
minister had been made “a scapegoat” for having openly said what Vučić had 
indirectly announced. Milivojević added that now all the odium of the citizens 
and majority of parties would be focused on her, rather than on the actual 
author of those words.

Vucic inauguration highlights premier vacuum in Serbia 

On 31 May, Serbia got a new president: Serbian Progressive Party leader and now 
ex-Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić. But the public is trying to guess who the 
new premier will be and whether an early general election will be called. 
EURACTIV Serbia reports.

“It wasn’t Ana Brnabić who said that those are Aleksandar Vučić’s words. And 
it’s not the first time because when Vučić swore an oath in parliament on the 
constitution and the Miroslav Gospel, he mentioned an internal consensus on the 
status of Kosovo several times. That led to the conclusion that he wanted to do 
something the Serbian constitution did not allow and that may be a legally 
binding agreement with Kosovo as a requisite for the continuation of European 
integration,” Milivojević told Beta.

He also said that Vučić’s predecessors in the presidential office, primarily 
Boris Tadić, had known a day would come when Serbia would be faced with a 
choice between Russia, i.e. Kosovo, and the EU, but that they had respected the 
constitution and had not thought of making that choice.

The opposition reacted heatedly to Ana Brnabić’s statement, with the exception 
of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, whose vice president, Bojan 
Kostreš, described the prime minister’s statement that Serbia would choose the 
EU, as “encouraging”.

Kostreš, however, also said that this message from the prime minister “should 
in no way remain on the level of good wishes and desirable statements”.

Democratic Party of Serbia representatives say that the prime minister’s 
statement “has uncovered a policy of fulfilling the political and economic 
interests of the West,” while in the opinion of the Dveri movement, Brnabić’s 
task is not to lead Serbia into the EU, but rather to separate it from Russia’s 
influence, “so that Brussels can freely continue its colonial management in 


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