
Name Games: Speedy Scenario for Macedonian Accession to NATO


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Europe <https://sputniknews.com/europe/> 

14:09 27.08.2017Get short URL

With Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kodzias scheduled to visit Macedonia on 
August 31, Serbian political analyst Dusan Prorokovic told Sputnik that the 
visit was part of a plan to fast-track the former Yugoslav republic’s 
membership into NATO.

“The Balkan states’ neutral status is seen by NATO as a hindrance to its plans 
of using the peninsula as a major jumping-off ground both on the Middle Eastern 
and Russian tracks,” Dusan Prorokovic told Sputnik Serbia 
<https://rs.sputniknews.com/> .

The formal reason for Mr. Kodzias’ trip is to try and settle the longstanding 
squabble over the name of the Macedonian state.

Athens and Skopje have been involved in a decades-long squabbledispute over the 
constitutional name of Greece's northern neighbor, "the Republic of Macedonia."

As Greece's northern province is called Macedonia, Athens opposes Skopje's use 
of the name. It recognizes the country as "the Former Yugoslav Republic of 
Macedonia (FYROM),” and has been blocking its possible EU and NATO membership.

During a recent meeting with his Macedonian counterpart Nikola Dimitrov in 
Athens, Nikos Kotzias said that “we want to see Macedonia in the EU and NATO, 
but not before we have settled the issue of its name.”

Dusan Prorokovic mentioned two previous attempts to change Macedonia’s present 
name to either Upper Macedonia or Northern Macedonia.

“Macedonia is the name its people have identified themselves with over the past 
25 years. Any attempts to change this could lead to unpredictable results,” 
Prorokovic warned.

He added that this could come in the form of protest rallies and boycotts aimed 
at unseating the Social-Democratic government of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, the 
initiator of a quick compromise with Greece and fast-tracking Macedonia’s 
membership in <http://sputniknews.com/politics/20170717/1055610053.html>  NATO.

Dusan Prorokovic warned that Macedonia’s accession into the alliance would lead 
to the situation that now exists in Montenegro.

“Montenegro is a divided country now where there is no consensus between the 
elite, let alone the society as a whole. There is no such consensus in 
Macedonia either. The US could use its European allies to push Macedonia into 
NATO but this could have extremely negative consequences for the country,” 
Prorokovic emphasized.

In June, Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev expressed readiness to make a 
concession over the state's name and join NATO as the Former Yugoslav Republic 
of Macedonia (FYROM), which Greece insists on, in order to accelerate the 
country's EU integration process.

Macedonia joined NATO's Partnership for Peace in 1995 and the Membership Action 
Plan in 1999, a program that offers advice, assistance and support to countries 
seeking to join the alliance.


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