
Serbia’s heart is in the East, pocket in the West –

By Julija Simić |

5-6 minutes


Serbians are realistic where their own lives are concerned. But their opinion 
of the country’s international position is irrational. reports. 

This is confirmed by the results of a new survey, according to which 4 in 10 
participants believe Russia to be Serbia’s best friend, but more than half 
(52%) would like to live in a Western country, not Russia.

“Which side to choose… Serbia between the East and West,” a survey conducted by 
the Demostat research centre, was unveiled on 5 September, revealing that 
Serbian support for ‘military’ neutrality was unquestionable and that the 
majority of participants (53%) were in favor of Serbia without military bases.

Nonetheless, if a military base had to open in the country, Serbians would 
prefer it to be Russian, according to 20% of the 1,200 participants polled in 
the August survey.

Russian ‘aid centre’ in Serbia rebuffs spy fears 

Showing off tents, lifeboats and other rescue equipment at the Russian-Serbian 
Humanitarian Centre, co-director Viacheslav Vlasenko laughs at Western 
suspicions that his workplace is a front for a spy operation.

Among those who voted for the Serbian Progressive Party and Aleksandar Vučić, 
28% would “give” bases exclusively to Russia.

At the same time, the country in which Serbians would like to live the most is 
Germany, favored by 11% of the participants, followed by Switzerland with 7% 
and Austria, Italy and Sweden with 5% each.

The youngest participants of the survey – 1 in 6 in the 18-25-age bracket, 
prefer Germany. The oldest participants, age 75 and over, chose Germany in only 
2% of cases.

In terms of working status, those employed by the state and the unemployed opt 
for Germany as the country they would like to live in slightly more than the 
national average, at 15%.

It should also be noted that attachment to Serbia as the preferred country of 
residence decreases in proportion to the level of education.

16% of those surveyed would primarily recommend Germany for their children to 
live and work in followed by Switzerland at 7% and Austria and Italy at 5% each.

Emotions versus reason

On the list of countries considered Serbia’s best friends are Russia (41%), 
China (6%), Macedonia (3%), Greece (2%) and Montenegro (2%).

1 in 10 of those surveyed believe that Serbia has no best friend.

As far as political orientation is concerned, the majority of those who see 
Russia as Serbia’s greatest friend vote for the Serbian Progressive Party and 
Aleksandar Vučić.

The choice of Russia as Serbia’s best friend grows in correlation to age. 
Russophilia is present among 32% of the youngest and as much as 52% of the 
oldest participants.

Speaking about Serbian affection for Russia, Demostat chief researcher Srećko 
Mihailović, also asks whether it is unrequited love, because according to the 
results of similar surveys conducted by the Russian Levada Centre in 2006, 
Russians put Serbia in 12th place on the list of friendly countries, behind 
several former Soviet republics, China, India, Cuba and Venezuela.

Analysing the survey results, Mihailović pointed out that Serbia was an 
“in-between country, a country whose heart is in the East and its pocket in the 

“Where emotions are concerned, Russia has the advantage, whereas reason is on 
the side of the Western countries,” said Mihailović.

Demostat Program Manager Zoran Panović highlighted the difference between 
Serbia’s foreign policy, which is EU-oriented, and the internal one, which is 
created, among others, by the media and which is inclined towards Russia.

Panović also believes that Serbians are getting extremely confusing messages 
about what ‘military’ neutrality even means.

Beta News Agency Editor in Chief Dragan Janjić identifies confusion among Serbs.

The fault for that lies with a political elite that panders to the majority and 
thus “bags” votes, says Janjić, warning of the schizophrenic state of Serbian 

“It is clear that, as a society, we have failed to create even a minimum of 
balance between desires and needs, between reality and prejudice. That is best 
seen in the data presented, which shows that people think quite seriously about 
their own and the lives of their families, whereas their opinion of the 
country’s international position is completely irrational,” Janjić said at the 
presentation of the survey results.

According to Janjić, the key responsibility for this situation lies with 
political and other elites, who have always gone for easy solutions, putting up 
very little resistance to populism.


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