Second Sunday after the Epiphany
January 15, 2012
John 1:43-51

What do you do when you have been given a gift even when you don’t
know it? This has happened. Jesus paid for the sins of the world. God
has granted salvation to everyone.

Nathanael was given a gift. It was before he had done anything. In
fact his reaction was not one that prompted any sort of reward. That’s
why he wasn’t given a reward. He wasn’t given what was due him. He was
given a gift. That’s what God does. He gives gifts. He doesn’t reward.
He doesn’t act in justice. He doesn’t act fairly. What He does is

Actually, He does act in justice. His justice is meted out on His Son.
That’s the gift. It’s a gift to you and me and to everyone.

There’s a word Jesus uses when He speaks to Nathanael: before. Before
Philip called you I saw you. Before you knew Me I knew you. Before you
saw Me I saw you. Jesus knows things about us we don’t. Jesus sees
things in our lives we’re not aware of. Before Nathanael confessed
faith in Jesus Jesus brought Him to faith. Before Philip told
Nathanael about Jesus Jesus called Philip.

Before we are able to do anything for God God does something for us.
Before we are even aware of God giving us a gift He gives it to us. We
are unaware of our need for this gift, we are unaware we are given it.
Before we are able to acknowledge it God already has great plans for
us. Nathanael was in the process of writing Jesus off and Jesus went
right on ahead with His gift He was giving to him. “Behold, an
Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” These were Jesus’ words
to him before Nathanael had done anything worthy of such a
designation. It was plain to see that Nathanael deserved no such
accolade. But Jesus isn’t in the business of giving accolades. He
isn’t in the business of giving people what they deserve, either.

He’s in the business of giving gifts. A gift is something given. It’s
something you receive regardless of whether you deserve it. A gift is
something that is yours even before you know it’s yours. Jesus was
giving Nathanael a gift. He was declaring Nathanael to be who he was
in Jesus, the man standing before him. Jesus alone is the one who is
the true Israelite, the one alone in whom there is no deceit. But in
Christ, this is who we are as well. Nathanael was declared so by
Christ Himself, before Nathanael did anything. Before Nathanael could
prove anything or tell Jesus how much he believed in Him or loved Him,
Jesus had already granted him faith. He had already given him the

Jesus uses this word ‘before’ purposefully. Did Philip do something?
You bet. Did Nathanael? Definitely. And that’s all well and good. We
shouldn’t deny or downplay it. We don’t need to go down the road of,
Now it’s not important here that Philip and Nathanael did something,
we need to focus on what Jesus did. On the opposite end of the scale,
we shouldn’t play the card of, Now Philip and Nathanael did absolutely
nothing here, only Jesus did. These kinds of statements make us look
foolish. Not only that, they go against the very words of the Bible.

Philip did something, he told Nathanael about Jesus. That’s a good
thing! Nathanael did something, he confessed Jesus as his Lord and
Savior. That’s a good thing! It’s not that they didn’t do something.
It’s that there’s something that came before. That’s the thing we so
often forget. The fact that they did something is because there was
something that happened before they did the things they did. There was
no evangelism work on the part of Philip to do without what Jesus had
done. Jesus called Philip. There was no confession of faith on the
part of Nathanael without what Jesus had done. Jesus declared him to
be righteous.

Does it matter that you do not deserve anything good from God? Does it
actually make a difference for you that anything you have received
from God is the result of what He has done for you rather than what
you have done for Him? Yes, it matters. It means everything that this
is the way it is.

What this means for you first of all is that it is the way it is. To
believe any differently is to be under the illusion that you do not at
your core need God. To think that there is something within you that
moves God to love you is to place yourself outside of the certainty of
His grace and eternal salvation. To say that you are disposed to God
is to fool yourself that you have any better view of God than
Nathanael had. He wrote Jesus off and that’s exactly what you do in
your heart.

To come to terms with this is necessary. It’s what repentance is made
of. You stand before God broken, unworthy of anything good. You could
fool yourself that you have a lot of good things in this life. You can
convince yourself that you’re not that bad of a person, that God will
love you because He wouldn’t reject someone who’s pretty good and does
a lot of good things. You could reason that God has created you, that
He is the Father of us all and He would not condemn you because He
would not condemn His own. But this would lead you into the place
where Nathanael was, outside of the grace of God because he removed
himself from the grace of God. Left to himself Nathanael had a god
that was exactly what Nathanael thought of Jesus: what good can come
out of Nazareth? How can a God who comes as a man, and from a small
town like Nazareth, be of any use to me? When you look to yourself
that’s what you have—yourself. It’s only in Christ that you have the
true God and full salvation.

Repentance is necessary. Nathanael’s response to Jesus’ gift, to His
grace, was one of repentance. He saw that he had rejected God and the
way God had come to him. He now realized that Jesus had come to him
before he could do anything for Jesus. In the same way, Philip had
realized that his life was not about himself but about the one who had
called him. That’s why Philip was now pointing others to Jesus.
Nathanael was now looking to the one who had likewise called him and
had given him faith; faith to believe that He was his Lord and Savior.
He now realized that everything he had done was nothing he was doing
for God but simply response to what God had already done for him.
Everything God had done for him was before anything and everything he
had done or attempted to do for God.

That’s what it all means for you, but it’s not all that it means. It
also means that it frees you up. It removes any burden of relying on
yourself. It makes it possible for you to live in such a way where you
don’t have the yoke of God’s commandments weighing on your shoulders;
God’s watchful eye of your every move. It frees you up to simply be
who you are. You are the same as Philip and Nathanael. You point
others to Christ. You look to Him as your Lord and Savior.

Christ gives you a gift. Before you ever have a chance to do anything
for him He frees up your time, your abilities, and your money. He
frees you in your interactions with others. Basically, everything you
do and who you are. You are free. Before you have an opportunity to
try to do something for God and dig yourself deeper into your hole of
sin and guilt you are already made free. The good that has come out of
Nazareth is the one who sees you for who you are. You probably don’t
like hearing that you have nothing of worthiness to offer to God or to
do for Him. But it’s because of that that Jesus came from that
backwater town of Nazareth to ascend the hill of Calvary and pay for
every sin you have committed. Every attempt you have made to do
something for God, it has all been redeemed. You are freed up. You can
walk with a new step because your Lord has given you a new lease on

You have been given a gift. Maybe you didn’t really know that this is
the way it is. Maybe you weren’t sure of the significance of it. Maybe
you still wonder if it’s that big of a deal. It was for Nathanael and
it is for you. How is it similar for you today that it was for
Nathanael back then? What good can come from a small piece of bread
and a sip of wine? I’ll just take the lead of Philip and say to you,
“Come and see.” Here at this altar you will be in the presence of the
Lord who has already seen you before you even knew He was around.

Was Jesus just another man from a small town in Galilee? Was there
anything good that could come from there? We know the answer, the
Bible tells us who He is. Yes, He was just another man, born just as
you and I have been. But He was also the only one who is good, the
only one in whom there was no deceit, the only one who could do what
He did. He came from Nazareth in order to go to Calvary. You are far
removed from that time and place. You haven’t been invited by Philip
to come and see Jesus. But Jesus didn’t come only in that way. He
comes here for you today, to you today. Is that bread and wine on this
altar just any ordinary bread and wine? Yes, actually it is. What good
can come from it though, is made known to you by Jesus’ own words
about that bread and wine. It is His body and blood, that’s what He
says. That’s what He gives to you.

Because of that you confess Him as your Lord and Savior as Nathanael
did. Because of that you make Him known to others as Philip did and as
Nathanael came to do. You don’t need to wake up each morning
determining how it is you are going to get it together and make
something of yourself for God. Simply rest in His grace He has already
given you. Before you even awake, He holds you in His eternal care.
Before you have a chance to falter and sin once again in your daily
walk with Christ, you carry the knowledge that you are Baptized; a
child of the Kingdom; a son or daughter of the Most High. He is your
Lord and Savior because of what happened before you confessed Him as
such: He came to you. He brought you a gift. He saved you.

Do you believe because of this? Yes, you do. And you will see greater
things than these. You will see the angels of God ascending and
descending on the very Son of Man. Can you hardly wait?


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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