"What Do You Need and How Do You Get It?"
Second Sunday of Easter
April 15, 2012
John 20:19–31

It really is this simple: what you need is Jesus, and how you get it
is Jesus. But that doesn’t really do justice to what you need and how
you get so it’s worthwhile to flesh it out. There are a lot of things
you need. But cut through it all and there’s one thing you really need
and that’s Jesus. The good thing is that when you get Jesus you get it

The first Christians as we see from our First Reading today from Acts
realized this. Even those who were wealthy realized that as nice as it
is to have all that wealth, when you have Jesus you have so much more.
One of the things they had that perhaps we have lost was a conviction
that Jesus was returning in glory imminently. If you believe that it
puts all your wealth into a new perspective. As they say, you can’t
take it with you. So if Jesus is coming again very soon why not do
with your wealth what will benefit the most people?

That’s not to say that that passage of the Bible is telling us
Christians today that if we have a lot of possessions that we must
sell them and put them in the general pot for everyone to share. That
might make things a little easier at Prince of Peace around budget
time, but it would miss the point. As a description of how the first
Christians saw their life together as a Christian community we have a
stark contrast to our individualistic and wealthy culture we have in
twenty-first century America. Obviously, that may not seem to be the
case for many during these days where many people are taking a bit hit
with the slide the economy has gone into. It remains, however, that
compared to the culture the first Christians lived in 2000 years ago
our standard of living is very different. We have many blessings as a
society they simply did not have and if they were transported into our
time they would marvel at our wealth.

The point, though, is not how much we have or even how much we are
struggling economically or otherwise. The point is that the Christians
back then and we as Christians today have something in common and that
is Christ. In our culture it’s easy for us to live out our Christian
lives with a ‘Jesus and me’ attitude. How much more would others be
blessed if we saw our possessions as not simply our own, and they are,
but as blessings God has given us in order not only to enjoy the life
God has given us but also to serve and help others? What we really
need is Jesus. Any blessings such as possessions and money and even
wealth are blessings above and beyond. If everything you owned were
stripped away you would still have Jesus. And you would have

This is so because with Jesus you have everything you need. You have
peace that goes beyond all understanding. You have forgiveness of all
of your sins. You have the promise from Christ Himself that you are
blessed. You have everything you need, you just don’t realize it
because you are so caught up in the things you think you can’t or
don’t want to go without. You are blessed beyond what you can imagine,
you just don’t fully embrace that because you worry about those things
you don’t have that you think must have. You are eternally wealthy,
wealthy beyond compare, you just don’t get all that excited about that
because you are caught up in the things of the world, just as those
who are not Christians.

The point here is not to say that it’s so bad that we live in the
culture we do. We live in the culture we do, the Christians 200o years
ago in Palestine lived in the culture they did. This is just the way
it is. If you had grown up in a poor culture in Africa things would be
very different for you. The point of this is not to compare, the point
is to see how God has blessed you no matter who you are or in what
society you live or where you grew up or where you live. Some people
are blessed with a lot of wealth, some barely scrape by. What you
need, just as with everyone, is forgiveness of your sin. You need new
life. You need peace with God. You need hope in the midst of all of
your fears and struggles and temptations, and yes, even your sins.
What you need is Jesus. With Jesus you have it all whether you have a
lot or a little, whether you live here or in Brazil, whether you are
alive now or if you had lived 1300 years ago.

John makes this clear in the Epistle reading when he says that Jesus
“is the propitiation [that is, the sacrifice] for our sins, and not
for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.” This is an
important thing the Scriptures teach. What everyone needs is Jesus.
That’s why Jesus made the payment for everyone’s sins. Many people
don’t know this. They don’t know or don’t believe they need their sins
paid for. As Christians we do know this. Since we do we should live
like we know it. Above all people we should recognize daily that we
need Jesus. We need forgiveness, we need the peace He gives, we need
Him. John makes another statement, a sobering one: if we say we have
not sinned, we make God out to be a liar. Think of it this way, why
would Jesus have died on the cross for the sins of the world if
payment for sins were not necessary? He did it because it’s necessary.
We need Jesus.

Knowing what we need, how do we get it? How we get what we need, which
is Jesus, is Jesus. Jesus gives us Himself. We can’t get what we need
by anything we do. We need Jesus and so He gives to us what we need.
He gives us Himself.

Jesus rose from the grave. John and Peter made their way to the tomb
on the Sunday after the Friday Jesus died. They saw it was empty.
Furthermore, Mary Magdalene saw Jesus Himself. She told those
apostles. So what were they doing? Setting up a nice meal for when He
would arrive? Talking about all that was in store for them now that
they knew He was no longer dead and that He’d be able to continue to
be with them as He had for three years?

Nope, they were cowering in fear. They were still not believing He was
with them. They were doubting the sight they had seen that the tomb
was empty. They were doubting the words of Mary Magdalene that she had
seen Him. What was it that these men needed? To believe? To trust? To
go back to all of those words Jesus had told them, that He would
suffer, die, and rise? To listen to Mary and take her at her word?
Yes, they definitely needed to do all those things.

But what did they really need? What was the one thing that could break
through all of their fear and doubt and confusion? Jesus. What they
really was needed Jesus. And Jesus they got. They didn’t go to Him in
fervor or firm belief and trust, He came to them. He broke through
more than the walls He miraculously passed through. He broke through
their trusting in the things of this world; of what they thought they
needed. He came right into the midst of them and was now before them.

Peace be with you. That’s what they needed. Jesus was before them and
how they got what they needed was that Jesus came to them to give it
to them. The peace He spoke to them was peace that was followed up
with an object lesson of sorts. As our Gospel reading today says:
“When [Jesus] had said this, he showed them his hands and his side.
Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.” What they needed
was Jesus. The one who had scars on His hands and in His side. The one
who had suffered on the cross as the sacrifice for all of their sins
and the sin of the whole world. What they needed was Jesus and Jesus
was what they got because He delivered Himself to them.

The Gospel reading today does an amazing thing. It might appear that
the amazing thing it does is tell us of an amazing event. While it is
amazing that Jesus passed through walls, stood before them in flesh
and blood, having risen from the dead, and was ever patient with
Thomas in his doubts, the truly amazing thing it shows us is that when
we get what we need, namely, Jesus, it is in a way that is more real
than when the disciples got Jesus that day when He stood before them.
How this is so is because while they certainly could touch Him and His
scars in a way you and I can’t, He offered that to them for what,
forty days? After that, I’m going away again guys. I’ll be ascending
into heaven in forty days and you will no longer see Me as you do now.
When you are afraid or have doubts or get caught up in the cares of
the world or the struggles of your life, I won’t be passing through
the walls of your living room to show up so that you can see that I
really am your God and Savior.

They still would need Him though. We still do today. What Jesus did
and what He still does today is come to us. You might say He passes
through the walls of this sanctuary in order to be before us right
here at this altar, in bread and wine. When you eat the bread and
drink that wine you won’t be touching it in order to feel any scars.
But you can be assured that the body in and with that bread is the
body of Christ that bore the scars from nails piercing through His
hands. You can know for certain that the blood in and with that wine
is the blood that was poured out on the cross as the sacrifice for all
of your sins, even as it was shed for the sins of the world.

In this way you know what you need and how you get it. Just as He came
to the disciples that day He rose He comes to you today with what you
need: Himself. And with Him you get it all. Amen.


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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