I'll try posting this.  The last few times that I attempted to post a
sermon, it never made it to the list.  I'm not sure if I had html
inbedded and thus stopped it from getting sent out.  Regardless, here is
this -- maybe!  (One sentence herein I ripped off from Pr. Rottmann's
sermon that he posted for Christmas Eve. I think it was that one of his!)

Sermon Text - Philippians 4:4-7
Sun., Dec. 16, 2012
(In the aftermath of the School Shootings in Newtown, CT on 12-14-12)
3rd Sunday in Advent, Series C
Zion Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL
Old Testament Reading - Zephaniah 3:14-20
Epistle Reading - Philippians 4:4-7
Gospel Reading - Luke 7:18-28

In the name of Jesus.  [Amen.]  The sermon title has been changed from
what is shown in our bulletin.  This sermon's title is one simple
question: "Is There a God?"  The reason for the change will become
apparent as we continue.

Dear friends in Christ Jesus,

"Is There a God?"  

I wrote that question on the board yesterday when I met with our 5th &
6th grade public school students for our weekly pre-confirmation class. 
If you've tuned into only one news report in the last 48 hours, you know
exactly why the kids and I took a short diversion from our lesson of the

In case, for some reason, you missed hearing the awful news…  Friday
morning a man entered a school in Connecticut and mercilessly killed 20
young children besides several adults.  Altogether, there are 28 dead in
the aftermath.

In the wake of this, here's my question to the kids yesterday…   and to
you, now:  "Is There a God?"  No doubt, hundreds, even thousands of
people are directly effected by these senseless murders…  and millions
more around the world are likewise deeply grieved beyond words.

Compounding and magnifying our horror is the fact that many throughout
the world are eagerly anticipating the celebration of Christmas…  that
Season of Peace, Joy, and Good Will Toward All Men…  or so it's claimed!

Also, adding to the irony of it all, today is the Third Sunday in Advent,
where we light the pink candle on our Advent Wreath.  Sometimes the pink
candle is known as the "candle of joy."

And so…  so very many millions of people ask:  "Where…  where is peace to
be found?  Isn't that why Jesus was born - to bring peace?"
And then, right along with that, it seems as if this question also begs
for an answer:  "If there's a God…  where was He when the shooting

All are good questions.  They naturally enter our minds.  How do you
think our 5th and 6th graders replied?  I'll tell you what, we'll get
back to that in a little while…

So, this Jesus, whose birthday we'll observe in nine short days…  is He
the "Prince of Peace" or not?  In our Gospel reading, it appears that
even John the Baptist was wondering where peace may be found.  John was
in prison, and, if you know your Bible history, you know that he wouldn't
leave his prison cell alive.

John tells his followers to go find Jesus and ask Him:  "Are you the one
who is to come, or shall we look for another?" (Luke 7:20, ESV) 

Jesus' reply to John's disciples was matter-of-fact…  and answered their
question…  if they'd only listen and take it to heart.  He replied: "Go
and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their
sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead
are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them. (Luke 7:22, ESV)

Notice that Jesus didn't say that He had cured all human misery and
affliction…  not at all!  Some of it… yes; but not all.  

Jesus' main work was to preach "good news" to the people…  and He
validated His preaching; that is, He not only got the people's attention
but He also proved that His words were true…  by doing some miraculous
works of healing.

But…  as we said…  Jesus didn't heal all the physical maladies that
plagued the people -  no!  I dare say that in every town through which
Jesus passed, after He moved on, there remained in each place a number of
people who were still blind,  who were still lame,  and who were still
otherwise sick or afflicted!

His preaching was the main point of every encounter with humanity.  And… 
what did He preach?  What was more important for Him to focus upon than
stopping sickness, or wars, or needless bloodshed… or any or all of the
hurt, heartache, and misery with which we humans must contend?

On three different occasions, Jesus boldly proclaimed to His listeners:
"The kingdom of God had come upon you!"  (Mt. 12:28; Lk. 10:9-11, 11:20,
ESV)  That…  right there…  was the reason for God in Christ Jesus to
enter our world.  God saw the wretched future of eternity in hell for
sinful mankind…  and He determined to enter our fallen world  "to seek
and save the lost." (Luke 19:10, ESV)

Scripture never states that Jesus entered the world with the purpose of
being an earthly doctor of sorts…  healing earthly sickness and other
health issues.  

Nor does Scripture ever state that Jesus entered the world to be a "Top
Cop."  It never shows Him stopping wars from occurring…  or catching
people with evil intentions before they do their heinous crimes.  None of

Scripture repeatedly tells us that Jesus came to preach the Gospel…  to
convey the Good News…  that even after mankind's rejection of God…  God
didn't reject mankind!

Out of His love, God had pity and mercy on fallen humanity.  He sent
Jesus into the world to heal all people of their worst…  and deadliest
problem… to remove their sin and thereby open up the Gates of Paradise
that had been closed to them.

He took on human flesh…  and human sin...  and then was punished in the
place of those who deserved it.  That happened on the cross - where Jesus
suffered, died, and after 3 days rose from the dead… thereby healing the
entire world of the root cause of all the hurt, heartache, handicap, and
havoc to be found in our world.

Truly, Isaiah had it right…  "with His stripes (Isaiah 53:5, KJV)…"  by
Jesus' death and resurrection… are we healed of the root behind evil… 
and every manifestation of it…  to be found in this fallen world!

At this time of year, we Christians marvel that it was into the filth and
the sewage of our fallen world that God sent His Son.  He came
voluntarily…  His love for us that strong!  He lowered Himself into the
mess we've made of the world…  making it to be His mess…  so that He
might eternally free us from the hurt and angst with which we're all so
intimately familiar.

Count on it…  you'll see interviews on television… you'll read newspaper
editorials…  and some of the vast array of unbelievers will approach you…
and ask if you still confess that you believe that there is a God who
loves and cares for you.  And our answer is the same as that given by
those faithful Christians who have gone before us and who had to deal
with tragedy in their day and age…

We, too, confess: "Yes, there IS a God!  He loves you, me, and the whole
world.  He entered it and saved us by His blood.  But, He never promised…
He never promised to restore earth to be the paradise that Adam and Eve
had…  and threw away.  Rather, He promised that He would share His
heavenly paradise with all who complete their lives in repentance and
faith in His Son."

And so, dear Christians, we'll continue to have wars, famine, terrorist
attacks, even horrific incidents of murder as long as we live on this
earth because sin - although its eternal effects are conquered by Christ
- sin still has its hold on this fallen world in which we live.

Please…  I ask you…  remember these words of Jesus in the coming days: 
"…in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take
heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33, NIV)

And that's why we who know the love of God found in Christ Jesus can say
along with St. Paul: "The Lord is (always) at hand; 6do not be anxious
about anything…" (Phil. 4:5-6, ESV)

OK…  you've had time to think about it…  

How do you think that our 5th & 6th graders responded to the question
that I put before them yesterday…  and all of you just now?  That
question:  "Is There a God?"

Here's the answer that they gave me:  "Yes, God exists.  He loves us… 
and even when bad things happen, He will always make good come out of the

And with that…  without any prompting from me…  the kids gave examples of
how they knew  that God would show His love to the families of those
murdered in Connecticut in the coming days and weeks.

Such knowledge of God's ways…  and confident trust in His promises…  were
a joy for me to hear yesterday…  and to tell you right now!

May each of us go forward in this world of hurt and heartache with
confident peace and joy…  ever trusting that our Lord Jesus will never
leave us and never forsake us.  We have His unbreakable promise on that! 
In Jesus' name, and for His sake!  [Amen.]

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